Longing to be Human Chapter I As I walked on those familiar streets of New York City, I recalled my childhood that was reared on these same streets. Taking in a breath of the cool night air, I could remember everything perfectly. I glanced side to side, looking at the multitudes that passed me by. Yeah, this was it- I was home again. After having enough of the crowded street, I turned onto a small, dimly-lit side street. There I walked through a puddle of rain-water before something slammed me against the wall of the building. "Who are you?" I groaned, trying to figure out what had just happened. "You scum! You don't deserve to live!" the man snapped, waving a dagger in my face. "But I am tryin' to do some good 'round here!" I replied so calmly and casually that one might think that I was at home, sitting on my couch. At that moment, he trust the knife in my side; I felt no pain, but only as though it were burning. When I looked down, I saw his knife stuck in my left side, right below the ribs. Blood trickled down the hilt of his blade and onto his hand, which was concealed behind a glove. "Why- " I tried to ask, but ran out of breath. "You shouldn't be allowed to live, you're not even human!" - those words that came from his mouth, rang through my head as I gasp for air. "You can just sit there and drown in a pool of you're own blood, for all I care!" he said, as he withdrew the blade and I collapsed. "Why did you wanna hurt me?" I asked, as I lay, coughing and sputtering in a pool of red. He didn't respond, but only walked away. But you're probably asking, "How did you get here?" and "Who is that guy?" Sit down and take a seat, this may take a while to explain.

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