Sorry To Offend You But... Religion? SCREW THAT! It causes war...and nothing else apart from sadness and false hope. There is no god for me. If he/she was real. He has a lot of apologizing to do for first creating stupid and arrogant humans who create more stupid people who destroy everything beautiful. Who live only for war. Who are to jealous to fight poverty as a whole. God does not help everyone. Like a teacher he has his favorites. I hate "god". If they have unlimited power why have they not cured diseases like cancer? Hey! Why create it in the first place. Ohhh to wipe out the horrible people they created. Such as little babies. Therefor if he is real or not, either way I still wouldn't like the asshole. P.S if you wanna marry someone of the same sex- go ahead! Don't listen to the people who have sadly been brainwashed. Just enjoy the holidays we get because a fairytale character for adults was born. Merry christmas
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Juliah the Impaler
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Juliah the Impaler
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