Traducciones   11 años

The One Ive found it while some never do. When i found it I knew it.When my mind didn't say it my heart did. My very soul clings to the thought of it. It being a universe we live in composed of us. Us meaning you and I and the love shared between us. You changed me. I didn't know love. For me love was a overused meaningless word to describe how someone thought they felt about another, most of the time not meaning it. I had yet to have discovered the one girl who made me feel this true feeling of love. Then I found you. I knew even before there was an us I'd do anything to make it there. I'd accepted all the luggage you had and what my future would come to be with you before you even knew me. Slowly winning you over started giving me my purpose. To watch over you. To care for you. To love you as much as I do and more. I know my purpose. To keep you happy. I'm working on it so please be patient. I fail at it, but I'm never gonna stop trying. As much as I love you Pammy yes I would give my soul for you. I'd go jump out a window for you if I had to. Do you know why? Well because I found it Pammy. It being my future. My future has you and our children written all over it. If I lose you I have no future. So yeah I'd give my #life for you because without you my #life will lose it's purpose, and the way I look at the reason for living will change entirely. I see you as a gift from the gods. Yes gods, gods, higher power, goddess, or the beings that keep this world spinning. You know one of the reasons why I believe in a god? Because... A girl like you doesn't usually just pick a guy like me. I had prayed and prayed that they send a girl like you to me. You came. I don't plan on letting you go either. I won't make you stay and I can't make you, but I will do whatever I can to keep you with me. You know a guy like me has trouble with stuff as simple as choosing what cereal to eat for the rest of the week. It takes a woman like you for me to know who I want and will spend the rest of my #life with. That woman is you. I achieved it. That being you and I. This is our present, and it's only the start building the rest of our future together. I love you is all I can say to close this, otherwise I'll go on forever.

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