Divergent/Insurgent/Allegiant- Will [SPOILERS. IF YOU HAVE NOT READ ALL 3 BOOKS, STOP READING, GURL] Blood is red The sky is blue And so are the tears I cry for you I'm sorry I killed him I thought he was dead I had a gun, nothing mattered, I pointed at his head. Tobias was gone You were, too Christina, I killed him I'm sorry for you. I thought you were gone Me alone in the world Jeanine's job was done My brother's was, too Now there's a few of us left Marlene and Al are gone They killed Edward Will was my fault. We started with few Now we're even fewer Eric always knew We would die not together We went outside the fence Some tried to stop us Our friends died Wounds filled with pus Now we're learning about this Strange world outside Can't we just kiss And go back inside

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