Purple Joke One purple day in the purple universe there was a purple galaxy and in the purple galaxy there was a purple solar system and in the purple solar system there was a purple planet and on the purple planet there was a purple country which held a purple kingdom and in that purple kingdom there was a purple palace there was a purple throne room there was 3 purple thrones and on those purple thrones sat a purple king a purple queen and a purple princess and one day a purple dragon flew to the purple kingdom and into the purple palace he blew some purple flames and kidnapped the purple princess and took her to his purple lair now the purple king and queen weren't very happy about this so they called upon a purple challenge that whoever bought back the purple princess would revive one million purple pounds one purple day a purple knight came and said he would save the purple princess from the purple dragon. So he got on his purple steed and rode down the purple street out of the purple kingdom across the purple fields through the purple river over the purple mountains up the purple hills and into the purple dragons purple lair only to see the purple princess on the purple floor he quickly stabbed the purple dragon in his Purple Heart with a purple sword he scooped up the purple princess onto his purple steed and rode out of the dragons lair down the purple hills over the purple mountains through the purple river across the purple fields into the purple kingdom up the purple street and into the purple castle the purple king and queen were delighted and gave the purple knight one million purple pounds the knight was so happy he threw his purple sword into the purple air and it landed in the purple princesses Purple Heart. The purple king became very angry and summoned the purple jailer so the purple jailer walked out of the purple dungeon up the purple stairs and into the purple throne room and the purple king told the purple jailer to throw the purple knight in the purple jail so the purple jailer took the purple knight out of the purple throne room down the purple stairs and into the purple dungeon the purple jailer took his purple key put it in the purple lock and twisted it and said to the purple knight "indigo"
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