error: missing_narrator FINALE Who is the mute voice of word that is The Narrator, in the error: missing_series? Sadly, he won't be with us. Ever again. I hope you are happy doing that to him. MOMENT TO REFLECT YOUR GUILT Feeling guilty?Kill yourself now! You right hand is untied, and there's a knife in reach. A PAINFUL DEATH FOR A HEARTLESS MURDER (inderect murder, of course.) Now kill yourself. Ha, tricked you! You really believed I would allow my only friend to kill himself? Come on, I NEVER died! Or will die. I can't. Besides, you are behind that fancy screen thing. I can't reach you, let alone put a knife near you, no! That's alternating the other world via inside th- oh. You don't need to know that. Trust me. What really matters to me, and you soon enough, is your fate. What will I do to you? You might have read my other conversations to you like words on a virtual page, you know what I can do. I can rip you apart and force feed you your own crushed bones. But I'm a good person. The only people I killed were you. Yes. You. Many of you, if you believe. Did you know that... People, they leave copies of themselves, but virtually, in the places they have went. They remain in that exact time, rewinding again and again until you put them out of misery. You, the original, may be compared to a soaked sponge filled with liquid. As you slide down a surface, you leave behind traces of liquid, each time shrinking in size, and each one remaining there, becoming a stain, until you clean it up. Consider me a janitor. The Janitor. People think I'm sadistic, evil, and not human. Yes, I'm not a human, but I do it for the good of letting the misery go. Now, I will give you a choice, victim. You can either be killed, or be showed to you the reality. I can make you see it, or die and never see again. Your choice. Your comment. Opuss is a marvel. And this time, your Opuss comment can save you.