Thank You He took my love and trashed it, You were always there to clean it up. He took away my strength, you gave me the will to fight it. He tore us to the ground barley able to stand on two feet again, he starved me for attention, you surrounded me with my family and friends. He made me fight against the ones I loved, you showed me what real love is. He took nearly everything I had, you showed me what I needed. He used us abused us left both of us to rot. He left me broken. You lifted me up. He broke my spirit, you gave me yours. He lost his faith in me and gave up, you picked me up dusted me off and put the pieces back together. Though looking back the lesson learned could have happened any other way. I would not have changed my mind, if I should stay. So through pain comes learning and experience. A little bit of pain goes a long way, just how bad does it have to hurt before we understand.

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