Translate   11 years ago

The Magical Unicorn Chapter 1: The magical Unicorn One day in the beautiful world of dreams, there was a unicorn, known as stardom. As the magical unicorn flies by the river, she decides to take a drink. Once the unicorn had finished drinking, she flew back up into the sky. She saw a forest with lots of scrumptious cherries, so she flew down and picked a couple. While the unicorn was picking the cherries, a little girl named, Frankie appeared, there is a strict policy in dream land that no human is ever allowed to see a unicorn apart from in their dreams. The little girl had already layed eyes on the unicorn, before stardom was able to take off. Chapter 2: Frankie's wish When Frankie got home, she was telling her mum and dad all about the creature she had seen, but it was no use because they just wouldn't believe her. Every night she wished to the#moonand stars, that the magical unicorn would appear again. Now that very night the twinkle in the stars seemed to be a lot brighter then usual, which puzzled Frankie.

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