Translate   11 years ago

Can't say it enough times I'm done playing games This shit is fucking crazy Nothing left of mine remains Again I got fucked over Again I got played like a fool By a spun out fucking punk I knew he was a tool Be careful who you trust Even if it's only with a little Cuz rats are hanging around the outside Waiting til they can get you in the middle The middle of a deal, The middle of a swap Anything with them so They can take every last drop Thieves, robbers, assholes, scumbags Everyone's got their favorite term When they talk about those mother fuckers That steal your shit from you the moment your head turns no job, no car, living the scrub #life Pretend ima decent human being For a while she buys it Then she sees what she's been seeing Starting to think I gotta problem with my looks No matter what I fucking change My looks attract crooks Ok so I got money I got my own job I got my own car I have nice things That doesn't mean u can take them from me

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