çevirmek   11 yıllar önce

A Secret To Tell I like secrets. Especially deep ones. Do you like secrets? If you do I'll tell you one - but you'll have to promise me not to tell. It's a big secret that means a lot to me. I can get in trouble if you tell. I'm sure that I can trust you with it. You're trustable. Don't aske me how I know, because I can't answer that. I just know that you will tell no one. I can feel it. You will love this secret. It is a deep one too. One that I promise you will excite you. Scare you a little, but excite you. I'll whisper it in your cold ear. Cold from the wind. Whisper so that no one around will hear us. So that no one comes and chase me away. Because as you know I am not well liked. But I can tell that you like me. You listen. Not many do that. And you don't complain when I show up at odd hours of the night. We're friends, right? I know we are. Why else would you let me comw around? And you promised to keep my secret. You're special to me. You really are. Now, enough talk. Let me whisper you that secret as we lie in your bed... ... I ended you...

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