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The Vampire Autumn Queen Hi my name is Amber fall I am the daughter of queen Snow and king Dominic and this is my story. My #life as a child was filled with the cents of fall and the colors of leaves turning, in the autumn isle where my mother and father ruled, since I was the only daughter they had when I hit my 26 birthday mom became the high queen of autumn and I was iniated to rule the isle, I have to meet my king to my queen but I'm sure he is out there . So here we are at the here and now oh did I mention I'm not just fae but half dragon vamp I know weird huh, my father is a dragon vamp and mom fae, my cousin who the snow queen and is mated with not just one but three strikingly handsome faes, and one happens to be her high priest and consort, the there's her alpha male who is drow and one that is of the shinning court. I go to the realm of dreams to day to sighn some paper for the treaties that was struck between my people and the dream walkers. Don't get me wrong they are very handsome men in the realm of dreams that's my fear cause there's one who I wouldn't mind being my king or even alpha male just don't know if he thinks of me that way. "Your highness its time to get ready to go down there and do what you got to do my queen." "Yes Lilith I know this to well, but thanks for reminding me." "What's bothering you ol friend is it that where you have to travel gives you the creeps or is it the king that set your heart a flame." "The second one dear friend, I feel drawn to him some reason or another, what am I going to do is it that he is just seeping with magic or is it something stronger then magic. I see my cousin beams with joy over her three mates and each hold her heart in a special way." "Oh Amber you don't think that he's your twin flame do you?" "I can't think about that at the moment I got to consentrate on the treaty at hand, but girl my guess is that would be it." "If I may speak to you as a friend my queen since we are that. This mean a shift in time look at what your mom and aunts pulled off your mom with her mate and aunts with theirs, times are changing Autumn there has been a gap for to long between our two worlds and people. Not only that but you have been without a king and consort for way to long when will you start thinking about your happiness?" "See that's why I chose you as my advisor and all cause you know what to say. I will talk to him as soon as we get there, I just hope its all for not." We arrived at the realm of dreams and his lordship was waiting for us. "My queen look absolutely bifvabled today." "Thank you your highness how do you fair this Autumn day?" "We'll, thank you for asking." "My king is there time enough to where we could chat alone before the meeting?" "You want to chat with me The Lord of Dreams is something bothering you that needs to be braught to my atintion your queen?" "Oh no nothing like that king nighthawk, I been wanting to tell you how I feel for a very long time. Ever since we known each other I've been drawn to you like my mind wonders what your doing or if your well, I see your face in the viewing mirror and I find my self wanting to touch your chiseled face." "I to feel the same way lady Autumn, I love and all that you are queen Autumn, but thaught you was to good for the likes of my people and me."

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