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Warriors; Hidden Secrets This is a Fanfiction based on the Warriors Series by Erin Hunter. Characters belong to me. ___________________ Prologue: Mists of rain droplets surrounded the dark and gloomy thundering sky, filling the air with complete frostiness. It was the time when the birds' singing dropped dead as they are preparing their melodic voices for the next day. It was the time of when the critters of all kinds burrow in the ground or hide. Everything here was silent. Not even a single twitch of the whiskers interrupted ones who were hibernating for the night. But suddenly, the bushes rustled. It rustled and rustled, until finally, out came a silver gray she-cat with light blue eyes. The cat did not come alone though. She had been carrying a tiny bundle of fur in her mouth. The cold winter frost sent shivers down her spine as she sat down, curling her fluffy tail around her paws. She looked around frantically, her paws tingling with unease. "Please," she whispered to no one in particular, "let him be here." She looked down at the figuring she had been holding, a sad glint flashing in her eyes. Her kit. That's what everyone has been saying. Her kit. Hers and the handsome tom she had been calling her "best friend." They said he was the father. No, the she-cat thought in a matter-of-factly, he isn't. She tried telling them, saying that it was all just a rumor. No one gave in. Even some of the queens felt envious towards her, wanting their litter of kits to be one of the best warriors'. I guess you could say he was popular around all the Clans, especially the she-cats. But still, she has thought, can't they just understand that we are just friends? Nothing more, nothing less. "Typical," the she-cat muttered to herself in a cold, flat tone. She blinked as she looked behind her shoulder, staring blankly at the path of where she had come from. A flash of guilt swept over her, although she felt furious at the same time. Of course, nobody would understand her situation. They don't know how she felt. She felt terrible, honestly. Why couldn't I have a normal #life? she mused, a growl rumbling in her throat. She then shook her tiny gray head and looked around and around, as if expecting someone to come. There was no one around. Not even a single speck of fur. The she-cat gave a sigh of anguish. He's not here yet? He said he would be here by Dawn! She gently dropped the gray ball of fur and rested it on the cold, frosty ground, causing it to start bawling. Snap! Just like that. ''Hush now, my love,'' the she-cat meowed in a hushed mother-like tone, trying to calm her precious kit. Deep inside, though, she knew she felt annoyed. She knew just one word wouldn't calm a stubborn kit like this, but something is better than nothing, right? "It's alright, little one," she whispered, letting the kit cuddle with her soft, matted silver fur with tints of black. "It's alright." The gray kit seemed to take notice of her comforting state and, considering the fact that she was rocked back and forth, noiselessly shifted to a quieter frame of mind. The mother cat smiled in satisfaction and closed her eyes, tilting her head so now it was lying on the brown trunk of the Spruce Tree. Sure, it was rough and pokey, but it certainly was pretty comfortable. Closing her eyes, the silver tabby let herself relax, drifting off to sleep. But before she could do so, the rustling of a bush right ahead of her crackled. The she-cat's eyes immediately fluttered open, her fur starting to prickle in unease. She gently and slowly stood up, sure not to wake her kit, and positioned herself into a fighting crouch, her claws unsheathed. "Who's there," she growled, hovering above her kit. She narrowed her eyes at the bramble bush that rustled from before, her tail wrapped around her kit defensively. The bush whirred one more time and a smoky gray tom stepped out. The she-cat tensed, but calmed down as soon as she recognized the cat. "Emberstar!" she purred happily, entwining her tail with his. The tom buried his nose into her soft, clean pelt, breathing in the beautiful scent of stars. Of the many stars in the sky, he had said one time, she is the one that shone brightest. ''Did you bring the kit?'' Emberstar enquired with his usual relaxing, steady tone. The silver she-cat nodded as she picked up the she-kit gently and handed it to him, certainly not stirring the silver kit from it's slumber. Emberstar looked down at his newborn daughter proudly, his tail lashing heartily. ''What's her name?'' the tom asked, his voice muffled by the kit's silky fur. The she-cat blinked and her ears turned hot in embarrassment. She felt stupid. Why hadn't I thought of that before? Well, we'll think of a simple name, she thought. After a split second, an idea popped in her head like a light bulb. ''Graykit,'' she replied. The tom nodded in agreement as he grasped little Graykit in his jaw, and headed back into the shadows, toward his clan. But suddenly, he stopped. He looked over his shoulder and gave her a sympathetic look. "Are you sure you want me to take Graykit, Gray-" "No," she sighed, "I'm positive, Emberstar. "But are you sure? You might lose everything you've ever wanted." The she-cat paused for a while. I know, she thought sorrowfully. She looked down at her paws. Do I really want this? I will lose everything I ever wanted. A mate, kits, and family. I always wanted to be a Queen someday. But you also wanted to be Clan Leader, the other part of her thought. Don't give up on your dream. You have to do this. For you, for your mate, and for your kits. Okay, she thought firmly, though a hint of doubt clinged onto her. She looked back up at her mate. "Yes. I am sure. I cannot lose my place as being deputy of my Clan." "Yet," Emberstar added. He set down the kit lightly and padded toward his mate, nuzzling her affectionately. "You aren't deputy yet, my love," he murmured, "because, after all, Mistyleaf has not died yet." "I know, Emberstar, I know," whispered the she-cat, "but she is aging. It is more of a chance that she will become an elder before Rosestar dies. She is, after all, on her last #life." Emberstar frowned. The tom had not expected her to say this. After all, Rosestar is his sister. "I guess so," he meowed. He padded back to Graykit and grasped her scruff. He gave his mate one last tail entwining and trudged away regretfully. ''Wait! Emberstar!'' The she-cat exclaimed. The tom froze in place, ears perked above his head, his tail swaying from side to side patiently. Did she change her mind? he pleaded hopefully. He turned around and looked at his mate. "Yes?" ''Please, Emberstar, please take care of our kit.'' She pleaded. "O-oh," he stuttered, ''of course. Anything for my mate,'' he answered before leaving. He had a long face, looking down at the ground. She didn't after all, he thought, disappearing into the shadows. The she-cat closed her eyes. Please keep that promise, Emberstar. You have not kept your promises back then, but I am trusting you to keep this one. Before she started to go back to her clan, she looked back into the shadows where her mate and kit disappeared behind her. Be safe in HorizonClan, little one. Promise me that you, Graykit, will safe, she thought desirously, padding through the undergrowth and back to her home. She sighed and swept her gaze to the atmosphere above. StarClan, she prayed, if you can hear me right now, I want to ask you: Please take care of my family. No matter where they are or where they are from, I am hoping that you will hear my prayers and attend to them. Once the she-cat opened her eyes, she spotted the gorse tunnel straight ahead. She started to feel a wave of alarm flashing through her body as she climbed into the tunnel. They'll wonder why I'm gone, she thought, glancing around camp. She sighed and padded into camp, her tail tucked beneath her. "Hey, Grayfeather!" the black tom meowed, catching the silver cat by surprise. She let out a terrified squeal and whirled around, her fur on end. The tom widened his silver eyes and took a step back. "Whoah there, tiger," he purred in amusement, "it's just me, Bonepelt! Your best friend. Remember? Or have you forgotten?" he teased. Grayfeather let herself relax, purring also. "Yeah, of course I'd remember you, mouse-brain." She battered at his nose playfully. "I would never forget!" Bonepelt chuckled and stroked his tail on the spot alongside him. "Sit," he meowed. He glanced at her with pleading silver eyes. "We need to talk." Grayfeather inclined her head to the side, bewilderment reflecting on her ice blue eyes, but sat down anyway. "What do you want to talk about?" she questioned, looking at him with big, wondering eyes. Bonepelt seemed to have taken a liking to her- but as a friend, of course. "About... you know... the kit situation." Grayfeather tensed, her paws tingling in uncertainty. How will she tell him that she had given Graykit to a rival Clan? Certainly he won't get mad at her? "Grayfeather." But what if he does? What if he got angry because she lied to him? "Grayfeather?" That would not be pleasant indeed! Even when... even when they have been best friends since kit- "Grayfeather!" The she-cat blinked and looked up at her friend, who appeared to be giving her a concerned glance. "You called?" she murmured, completely dumbfounded. "Yes!" Bonepelt replied. "And you're not listening to a single mouse-tailed word I'm saying! What has gotten into you these days, Grayfeather?" The silver cat's ears flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Bonepelt. I guess I haven't been myself lately, huh?" she chuckled nervously. "It's just been hard. The kit, the rumors..." Bonepelt nuzzled her cheek in comfort. "I know, Grayfeather, I know. It's been hard on every cat these days." He looked down at the smaller figure of his best friend, a sympathetic smile forming on his lips. "I've seen us slowly drifting apart from each other. It's like you're barely talking to me anymore," Bonepelt sighed, flattening his ears. Grayfeather frowned and scooted closer to him, her pelt brushing against his in complete comfort. "I'm sorry, Bonepelt. I really am," she meowed, twitching his whiskers with her tail playfully. "But I promise I will from now on. Friends again?" she asked, looking up at the white tom. The tom smiled and nodded eagerly, nuzzling her happily. "Okay," she purred, "I think I'm going to take a rest. Good night, Bonepelt." "Actually, good morning," he corrected. "And have a good sleep!" Grayfeather let out a mrrrow of amusement and padded into the Warriors Den. But before she could enter, she heard him let out a mew directed to her: "Remember that I will always be there for you. No matter what, I'll be there when you need me. You can tell me anything." She let out a sigh. Now, for some apparent reason, she couldn’t sleep anymore. How was she supposed to tell him everything now? After all she's been through, all the regretful things she has done? Certainly not! Thanks, Bonepelt, she thought sarcastically, padding out of the Warriors Den. She looked around and noticed that her dear friend was gone. Disappeared. Vanished into thin air. Huh, that’s weird. She shook her head and sat under the Willow Tree that lay in the middle of camp, the gust of wind ruffling her silver fur. She shivered slightly, jumping into the hollow that was under the roots of the tree. She curled up into a tight ball, thinking about the events from earlier. She remembered when she said she wanted to have a family of her own someday. And that she wanted to be Clan Leader. Never give up on your dream, part of her had said. But now, she wasn’t so sure. There are always problems cats has have to face, and this certainly was a problem to the young warrior. A big problem. Grayfeather looked up at the dark, gloomy sky, spotting the sun rising in the distance. She let out a long sigh. Never give up my dream? How am I supposed to do that? She closed her eyes, flattening her white-tipped ears against her head. Did I just give up on my dream- to one day have a family of my own?

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