Tales Of Dark-Town Introduction Deep within the skeletal foundations of Velorium - a city perched 100 meters above the desolate waste ground of the Border Desert - there is a long since forgotten realm of darkness and depravity. The citizens - or rather, the prisoners - of this realm are embroiled in an endless struggle for survival. Blood thirsty gangs rule the streets. Murder, theft and violence are the main wares traded throughout the city and the law is withheld only by those stupid enough to fight against the system. It was not always like this, there was a time, far in the hazy history, when the murk-some city thrived by the light of the planet's twin suns. But now, over-shadowed and consumed by the metallic#moonof Velorium, the inhabitants float in a sea of filth. No one knows how long the dark town has festered in the gloom of the high town, no one cares. Generations of civilisation have been and gone and now there is no one left who can remember #life as it once had been, before the erection of the steel sky. The story of Dark-Town (as the inhabitants have ineffectually named the dead city) is a long and interesting one, involving corrupt governments and misplaced loyalties, but it is a story for another time. For now, we find more interesting tales unfolding deep within the entombed city of eternal twilight.

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