Translate   11 years ago

Bowl Of Lies I'm Annabelle. I just moved from L.A. To Australia. Just kidding, but I did move from L.A. But Miami, Florida. I'm a freshman. My dad got transferred to Florida, and my mom isn't in the picture anymore so I moved with him. On the outside you see glasses, braces, no make up, jeans, baggy shirts and most of all unattractive. I'm a nerd. All A student, never had a bad grade ever. Today is the first day at north high school. I've always had to move around, so this was nothing new. My father promised this was out last move until I graduated. I walked into the office to get my schedule after my dad dropped me off. "What's your name sweetie?" The secretary, ms. Briggs, asked me. "Annabelle Smith." "Here's your schedule an you have p.e. First period but don't bother changing today, here's your pass to get out it, and your on your way." She handed me both sheets of paper and I said thank you and walked out. Then I ran to p.e. Once I got there me. Greene introduced himself and took my pass. He told me to sit on the chairs in the corner. I walked over to the chairs and pulled out my book. It was free day, where the teacher doesn't want to teach, so he told everyone to mess around and you'll get an A for the day. I suddenly was hit in the face with a football. My nose started to bleed and I walked to the bathroom. I had just started to clean up the blood when I heard seine call out hello. "In here." I said. "I'm so sorry about your nose. Is it broken?" He asked genuinely concerned. "Nah, just a bloody nose. Thanks though. I didn't catch your name." "Carson. Carson Davis." He held out his hand. "Annabelle Smith." I said shaking his hand. "Uh. Well coach said I should come to check on you to make sure your nose isn't broke." "Oh well tell him it's just a bloody nose. By the way, you have a pretty hard spiral." "Well I am quarterback, so I should." He said slightly to cocky. "Wow, arrogant much?" I said disgusted. "No just confident." "Okay well bye." "Uh...bye?" He said walking out. He's just a stupid jock with a stupid perfect smile, good looks, nice body... Snap out if it Anna! He will break your heart just like every other jock! I walked back into the gym in enough time to grab my stuff right before the bell. I ran to my AP math class to find Carson was in my math class along with 5 other people. "Oh brother." I mumbled to myself. I showed mr. Montgomery my schedule and he said I had to sit next to Carson. "Hey babe. Are you following me?" He said trying to be seductive. "Actually no. I was hoping, as a freshman, you wouldn't have any AP classes. So I could stay away from you." I said trying to pay attention. He took my schedule out of my hands. "We have 4 out of 7 classes together." He whispered. "We get to spend most of the day together. Isn't that fantastic?" Putting an emphasis on fantastic. I ignored his comment and wrote down the homework and got started. The bell rang just as I finished the homework. I have mr. Montgomery my paper and he looked shocked. "Is there a problem?" I asked. "No problem. Just shocked. That was 50 problems and you got it done in 30 minutes, and by what I can tell, got them all right." "It would've been quicker if the chatter box next to me would've stopped asking how to do so many problems." I muttered. "Qu-Qu-quicker?" "Yeah it's all really simple. Nothing is higher than this AP class for freshman here so I'm retaking my AP classes I took in 8th grade." "Wow um... Would you like to join the math decathlon team?" "You actually have that here?" I said a little more excited than I should have. "Yes we do." He chuckled. "Heck yes I want to join!" "Alright, we meet after school Tuesdays and Thursdays. Oh, here's a pass to next period." "Thanks." I grabbed the paper and ran to class. *********************************************** The end of the day couldn't have come sooner. I ran home since I lived down the street. I got half way home when the cheerleaders drove by and threw their smoothies all over me. I stopped to wipe my glasses off, and I felt something feathery get thrown on me. Then the flashes of light. 'Oh no.' I thought to myself. I put my glasses back on and saw the football and cheer team surrounding me with their phones and laughter. Did I forget to mention I have a disorder? Well I do, I have severe panic attacks. I have pills to calm them through the day and I sign take them this morning. I started to shake from panic and my breathing got shallower, then suddenly was swallowed by darkness. When I woke up, I was in the hospital, and my dad was talking I the doctor. "Ah, good. She's awake." The doctor said. "I'm dr. Mullingar. Looks like you just had a major panic attack. Remember to take your pills every morning so this doesn't happen again. Oh and your going to need a shower." I looked down at my clothes and had on my sweat pants and a tank. Then I felt my hair, it was sticky and had feathers in it. I sighed. "The nurses put your clothes on when your father got here with them. The kid that called 911 said he couldn't come with us here." The doctor said. "Did the boy have a name?" I asked. "Carson Davis." I groaned inward, he was making it so difficult to get away from him. Of course he was hot but he has that player image. I need to focus in school. "Did he say why he didn't come?" "He said he didn't know you that well and didn't want to creep you out." I nodded and walked into the bathroom to wash out my hair. I came back out of the bathroom and threw my hair in a bun. My dad signed the release papers and we went home. I went up to my room and did my home work as soon as we got home. My phone went off a little while after I started to do my home work. C- hi A- Who is this C- Carson. A- how did you get my number..? C- that's not important. What's important is are you okay? You passes out and I called 911. I was freaking out. A- yeah I'm fine just didn't take my pills this morning. C- pills for what? A- panic attacks. They're quite severe as you already know. C- well bye. A- bye? He's so weird and I still don't know how he got my number. *********************************************** I walked into p.e the next day an we had another free day. Mr. Greene said no one had to change today either. The boys took the football and some basketballs. Being one of the only girls in my old town, I played all the sports. I asked to throw the football around with them. They were all shocked, but handed me the football. "If you can throw the ball from this end of the gym to that end perfectly, you can throw the football around with us." I smirked. Carson was going to catch the ball. 'This is going to be fun.' I thought to myself. I got in perfect position , and threw the ball right towards his face. He caught it and looked shocked. "D-d-d-did I do-o something wrong?" I asked stuttering. "No! That was absolute perfection. How did you learn to do that? Can you kick too?!" Coach asked. "Well in my old town it was either sports or barbies. There wasn't many girls in my town either. I was never a girlie girl, as you can tell," everyone giggled. "but the boys thought it would be fun to see what sport I could play. I became one of the guys and played every sport. You name it I've probably played it. And kicking, I was the star kicker." "Tomorrow is outside free day. I wanna see you kick." Coach Greene said. The bell rang and everyone grabbed their stuff and ran out. The boys all he me high fives an good jobs, except Carson. Mr. Montgomery's class was boring today. We didn't have homework an still had 20 minutes of class left. He said we could do whatever today. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and started listening to music. After a little bit, mr. M called me over. "Anna, today is Tuesday don't forget about the math team meeting after school." "I haven't forgotten." I said, smiling. The bell rang and I ran I English class. Ms. Shorts said we needed to read in class today.

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