übersetzen   11 Jahre

2 In 1 Wonderer....dreamer...lone lost soul Surrender to the darkened abyss of being alone Some may find it comforting being infused to the low humming of murmurs Most find delight in light hearted conversation The melodic chuckles and smiles between people. Friends. limbo between the awareness of being sober and the fearlessness of toxins within the blood Stream....flow......motion...let it all go The silence of time and space and the after shock of tears Deep thoughts of yesterday's nothing and the repetition of today Inner emotions reflected into stone. Patience awareness it's not that bad being alone Let the heart beat become intune with the supple and suckle wine of the cloudy thoughts That May or may not pass through my lips Passion is through the fingertips lusting through the hips Paramour my paramour take off your armour Open my cranium look into me You won't like what you see Eyes like ice Fire in the blood So many things unsaid Turned into spoken word

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