ترجم   منذ 11 سنوات

Would You Still Love Me? #beginningline #nightdwellers Would you still love me if I told you my past? My darkest secrets and sins I have cast? The hurt I've caused and the pain I've inflicted, Of decisions I've made then later conflicted. Could you turn a blind eye to the hearts that I've broken? Or words that I've thought, left silently unspoken? Would you still care if I told you the truth? Or would you still want me to show you some proof? Could you live with the fact that I'm not perfect? That I should come with a warning of some possible defect? Would you still love me if I flew away? And didn't come back for months from this day? Could you help me repair the damage I've done? And mend my own heart so a new one it becomes? Could you handle the mood swings with the lows and the highs? Be the one beside me to help me get by? What would you think if I told you I cried? Every night, wishing you was by my side. Would you still want me if I gave you my heart? Because it's you that's held it right from the start.

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