Tradurre   11 anni fa

The Boy [October-13-2013] I had fallen in love with a boy. Not one of those "love" "date" things like you see in middle school. At school you don't "love" each other. It's just a stupid game for popularity at school. Well..I guess this is a different kind of love from school. Let me explain. This boy, I first met him when he was a new student. It was one of those first days he was at school that we started talking, I can't remember which day though. We just kind of became friends, but there was something about him and I that brought us together. It seemed to be something in his spirit. Before I go on about this boy, let me describe his look. He had soft, gentle, medium long, brown hair. His eyes, his eyes were this captivating caramel, syrupy brown. His eyes were my favorite part about him. They offered me a language, a silent language, between our eyes. We could literally talk to each other with just our eyes. Except for one time, Ill get to that in a moment. He was built, but not like super muscular built and neither scrawny skinny. He was just not defined. His hands were so gentle and sweet, I could tell that he had never touched any other girl just by the way he stroked my hair. He stroked my hair with such gentle touch that I could tell that he had never loved a girl more than he loves me. He would curl a long strand of my hair around his finger and then gently let my long, brown hair untwined from his fingertip. Now, I can't exactly remember how it went or how it happened, but we were together. In a city, at night. It was just us, together, hand in hand. We loved each other so much. We both could feel it, not only physically, but mainly spiritually. We ended up by a cement wall. It was faintly lit by the city lights from the light nearby and from the buildings across the river. He held me. His arms were gently, but firm against my waist. He slowly set my back against the wall. His hands still on me. I trusted him. I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. My hands were on his arms. I looked up to make eyes contact with him. His eyes were a crystal syrupy color because of the city lights. His eyes were so beautiful. I couldn't read them. Soon it started to come to me that he was confused to what he should do next. He wanted more. He wanted a kiss. He wanted assurance. I have him a yes with my eyes. A silent yes. A gentle, soft yes only spoken with my eyes. He leaned in. Closer, closer, then our lips met. His lips were soft and warm. If love was a flavor, then that's what his lips tasted like. Sweet, soft, warm, and love. Oh, how I never wanted this moment to end. How I never wanted to leave his side. We backed up a little so our lips weren't touching anymore. We made eye contact, a warm, loving eye contact. Then, we kissed again. This time more confidently, assuringly, loving, and powerful. I felt my heart pounding. It felt like it was going to rip out of my chest it hurt so bad. I knew he was the one. My true love. I ignored the pounding and kept my face close to his. I felt his warm breath on my neck, as we stood there, embraced in each other. I wanted to be with him. Wherever I went. Whatever I did. Forever ❤ ~Lily

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