перевести   11 лет назад

I'm Back. So....it's been a while. I suppose I thought I'd never come back to this place. Then again, I never thought I'd be in this type of pain again. The type of pain which sends me to gain approval from those who only approve of my blood and tears serving as simple ink. But it seems that #life has again turned from pure bliss to heavy disgrace and disappointment. How could things have gone so terribly wrong. Why do I keep trying to patch the holes? No mater how many times I fill a crack another opens up. And soon I will have to make a choice. Abandon ship or go down with the boat. We fight so much and it leaves us feeling broken and angry at each other. We can't express our feelings for fear of hurting each other yet the very silence induced by this fear comes to the same result. My very worst fear is that we will somehow destroy ourselves. Can we even stop it?

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