To Be A Mother I never want my child to go over to someone's house and experience what I did once. Their mom and dad were discussing about something and they got into a disagreement. I heard the tones of their voices that I knew escalated into a full blown fight between my parents. I cringed in the back seat, waiting for the blowing insults. The ones that never came. My friend's two parents peacefully resolved the issue and continued their small talk. I cautiously un-tensed my body, glancing at my friends face. It was still the same smile as before, she had thought nothing of it. She hadn't sensed the danger because there never was any. At that moment, I felt a deep pang of hurt and jealousy. She didn't have to suffer what I did almost everyday. I vowed never to let my children feel what I had just felt that day. I wish so badly to be a mother. I would only give the best for my children. Meaning I would never mess their lives up, ever. I know the pain, I know the sorrow, to never be able to see your parents in love. The constant fighting is no #life for a child, so I promise to do it right. Performing everything my own parents failed to do. Just to love and be a family, to laugh and know it's all right. To ensure them that they are loved and will never have to listen to their parents tell them that their mom or dad is a jack ass, bitch, retarded, stupid, jerk, ass hole, etc... I just want a family of my own... One that I know I can make right... But yet I'm still so young, and no matter how loud I shout, my parents never hear me.

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