Eleanor Rigby This is the story of my two friends Eleanor rugby and Fr. Mackenzie, it's a sad story but I want you to read it. Two weeks ago there was a wedding for a girl called Sophie and a boy called Peter and when they were walking out of the church people were throwing rice over them. When everyone left, Eleanor rigby had to pick it all up, I would hate to fave that job. When I heard that there was a wedding in that church, I was very surprised because nobody goes near that church, I don't go because I'm not catholic but I don't know why other people don't go. The next day fr Mackenzie the owner of the church walked into Eleanor reading "you should be working not reading" screamed fr mackenzie " I'm sorry" Eleanor said frightened " just don't let it happen again" fr Mackenzie said softly. Eleanor rigby is just happy that fr Mackenzie hasn't spotted the make-up Eleanor keeps by the church door. When Eleanor,s work shift had ended and fr Mackenzie had gone home Eleanor was walking home when she looked in fr Mackenzie window and saw him writing a sermon that nobody will hear because no one goes near the church, and then fr Mackenzie got up Eleanor thought he spotted her but luckily fr Mackenzie was just getting up to get his socks to garnish them then Eleanor walked home and saw people packing her bags and putting her suitcases outside her flat and she asked why and they said she hasn't payed rent for three months so they were throwing her out of her flat. Eleanor had to sleep on a bench in the park but she didn't get any sleep because she was crying all night. Then it was morning and I went to church and nobody knew I was there cause I shouldn't be, I only went there because my mum said I had to, but I wasn't allowed in the church because it wasn't open for people to have mass. Eleanor and fr Mackenzie went to the church for fr Mackenzie to tell Eleanor what she had to do for work that day and then Eleanor said to fr Mackenzie " please can I come live with you until I get things sorted out" " no" screamed fr Mackenzie screamed. He had an idea and he asked Eleanor to climb up to the bell at the top of the Celine and fix it and she fell down, down, down and she whacked her head on one of the benches and I ran out when he turned around and luckily he didn't see me. She had a funeral and I didn't go because I would of been so upset because seeing my dead friend would be hard and if I had gone I would of ended up telling fr Mackenzie that I was in the church and he probobly wouldn't be very happy and I might end up in Eleanor's shoes. Nobody else went to the wedding because because nobody else knew her, I was her only friend. Fr Mackenzie just buried her along with her name. Nobody remembered Eleanor never got found out because I never dared to tell anyone I was to scared and now it's like Eleanor rigby never lived but I still miss her I need her back.

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