Translate   11 years ago

Riding Fear Prologue I looked at him, his body #lifeless, my dad, my dad, he's dead, what could I have done I'm only five years old. I felt so cold I felt pail I felt dead, like him my papa. Then I made notice the the bounty hunter was praying. PRAYING, WHY IS HE PRAYING OVER HIS KILL! Then he stopped and looked at me he took of his Helmet. WHAT HOW WHY! He smiled and said "hi there." One scare over his eye the left. I said one word to him my dad said all the time, His face was kind and sweet, then shock and surprised. "What the crap?!?!?" Chapter 1 "I never knew I could do that" I said, "Come on your 16 now, you can do basically you can do anything you want." said my best friend Isa she is the only girl besides me, She is 14 she will be 15 in two mouths. We walked to the cafe for launch. Her hair a golden color with strikes of purple, me I have blue my favorite color. Launch was the same, horrible. It tasted like rancor or worse. "Hey, so do you guys hear?" My other friend vizlo "Hear what?" I said "We are going to get a new kid, to our camp." "Who?" He waited till everyone was quiet in the cafe tent "Voca." Everyone went completely silent, no one made a peep it seemed like forever till it sunk in the I spoke "Voca, mandalore's grandson, he can beat all of you." "Yeah so, he can't beat you , he sees the challenge he sees here." "What?!?! Why!?!?!" All the hours I did training for this day it was coming. How could I wish for a better time then one week after my birthday. this is a great late birthday gift and awesome one. I got a bracelet form Isa like I did every year ever since I was 7 years old. It had a code each one ad a letter on it, I knew what is said but I didn't tell her I knew, it says best friends, I just need seventeenths and eighteenths then I can tell her. After launch we went to training right after, if you through up you got back to work as soon as it was out of your mouth. It was harsh but I liked it. I have never through up before. Isa says it is terribly gross. I did over training like I have never did before. I never knew I could use the advanced training room now that I'm 16. I woke up and I heard screaming at first I thought he might be here, but no it wasn't the sound of joy, it was the sound of fear. I looked out my tent. There he was Voca. He was killing everyone then I saw it Isa was fighting back with vizlo. The she turned and yelled a command then when she turned to fire her gun at him, he was in front of her. Her hair whipped around her face, her look was fear and no doubt about it. He thrusted his blade though her chest, blood spilled form it fast, then it dripped I screamed no one heard me. I woke with tears storming down my face. I shot up from my cot, I went to the zipper of my tent. I slowly unzipped it, I saw everyone laughing and smiling over the fact that Voca was coming here. Isa's face appeared in the space I had unzipped her bright purple eyes looked at the tears on my face she she opened her cherry red lips then closed them. I whipped the tears on face off then smiled, she glared at me as if I had a rare case of cancer.

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