Rough Water Chapter 2: After I let Clay go I left to the locker room to shower off, I always seemed to smell of chlorine. I wasn't sure when Clay and I were going to go out or where but the fact that I knew he liked me made me smile. I walked into the lockers smiling and Carly turned around from her locker to greet me. She laughed when she saw my cheesy grin, "What? Did he finally ask you out?" I mockingly glared at her, "What do you mean finally?" She laughed again and smiled "Oh come on Mel!" She rolled her eyes, "he's had the hugest crush on you since we were freshmen!" I looked down and grinned again, "really?" I asked, embarrassed. "Yes!" She exclaimed. "Well then," I said jumping into the shower and pulling off my suit, "I better give him the time of his #life." Sorry for the short chapter. Chapter 3 will be coming up soon!