Hurt. I live on a street with 9 of my closest friends. I only met these people last year but they have become some of the most important people in #life. There's one problem though. There is one girl that lives on the street who is part of our group but we were never quite as close. The girl is extremely homophobic. I was just over at one of the houses and we were all having a great time. Then she made a homophobic comment and I literally have never felt so angry in my #life. Not everyone in the room knew I was gay (including her) so I couldn't challenge her. Instead I got up and left the house without saying a word. I'm still shaking. Shaking with anger at what she said but also that I felt I was the one who had to leave. I did nothing wrong but yet I am the one who had to leave and cry on my own and now am dreading getting up in the morning knowing I will have to see her. I am who I am. I'm proud of who I am. Should I apologise to people if that makes them feel uncomfortable? If I make them feel uncomfortable? I wish I had the courage to say something to her but the majority of the group love her and I'm afraid they would take her side. After all I'm the one causing the problem aren't I? I'm only 18 and so are my friends. What kind of world do we live in where the generation that has the power to make change is the generation that is simply abiding by old, senseless, damaging views?

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