Translate   11 years ago

Bullet For My Valentine So there I was, at the park sitting alone on a bench by the swings, reading my new book.Trees surround the entire park, and as a result of the season changing red ,yellow,and orange leaves have began to fall, covering the ground in a beautiful fiery collage.There is a sidewalk that runes through out the park.I like comming here to think or just to get fresh air. Across the playground is a group of 3 guys with skateboards wearing heavy metal shirts, one of theme I recognize as a guy I like, Tyler.He is a senior and I a freshmen so I know that it's extremely unlikely he would like me back,and I guess I'm ok with that. There are two little kids about the age of 5 and 7 swinging, they are the siblings of Tyler's friend who if I recall correctly is named camden.I watch them giggle as they challenge each other to go higher, and occasionally sneak a glance at Tyler. At one point I he looks at me and I quickly stare at my book trying to look nonchalant. I can feel my cheeks heating up like someone struck a match in them. The guy I don't know skates away towards the bathrooms. I begging reading again, now almost to the climax of my book.I zipper up my jacket as the wind begins to blow, and the motion causes my hat to fly off my head and land on the ground behind the bench. I set my book down and go to pick it up. I shake it and start picking off the pieces of dead grass that are stuck to it. I heard the crunching of leaves behind me and uddenly I feel a cold leather glove around my mouth. My eyes widen and my heart starts jack hammering inside my chest. I try to scream but the hand blocks the sound. An arm goes around my stomach and begins dragging me backwards. I hear a mans deep voice whisper in my ear that if I cause any problems he'll shoot me. I glance down to see a gun in the hand that is around my stomach. I inhale deeply, smelling the potent odor of leather. Then I open my mouth as much as I can and bite down with all the force I could muster. The grip loosened a little and I Am able to scream for a second and a half, which is enough for Tyler to look over. The arm with the gun tenses, so the muzzle of the gun is poking my stomach. Camden runs toward his siblings who are now staring at me.I kick and bite and scream as if my #life depends on it, and It probably does. Tyler hesitates a second then drops his skateboard and starts running towards me. There is almost half a mile between us now.I hear a car door open behind me. Tyler is nowrunning faster than I've ever seen someone run, but he's still very far away, and that's the last thing I see before I feel the hand on my stomach move up to cover my nose, I feel the freezing metal of the gun against my cheek, the other hand compresses on my mouth so all my air ways are blocked. Panic overtakes me and I struggle to breath with the last of my energy. The hands tighten until my vision goes black and I slip into a dark dreamless sleep. I wake up with half of my body in a white van, the door is still open and my legs are hanging out. I hear commotion in front of me. My head pounds and I have a migraine the size of a whale.I slowly sit up squinting from the dim light that shines through the clouds, it burning my eyes. When they finally adjust to the light I take in the whole scene as it unravels in front of me in slow motion. I see Tyler and my attacker fighting. The man is grabbing at his gun that is now on the ground. The kid that just came out of the bathroom is now running towards us to help. Camden is moving his brother and sister to somewhere safer. I must have only been out for a minute or two, though it felt like it's been hours. The man wraps his gloved hand around the gun and Tyler throws another punch. The man aims the gun at His head then suddenly turns and fires in my direction. I hear Tyler yell and pounce on the man and punches him until he stops moving. I suddenly notice there is a sharp pain in my shoulder, the pain intended and I begin to scream, I fall on the cold hard ground and start howling. My shirt feels wet, I look to see dark red spread across my jacket and soak my upper body. I begin to feel dizzy and exhausted. I'm only partially aware of Tyler putting pressure on my shoulder. He keeps saying something but it sounds muffled and far away, I am able to focuse on his voice and pick out a few words like hold on and your gonna be ok and concentrate on my voice. I don't think he knows how hard it is to fallow that last part. The nameless kid finally arrives and has his phone out. I stare into Ryan's eyes as the world begins to fade around me. By now I'm only partially conscience and can't think straight. " your pretty." I slur He looks at me and puts more pressure on my shoulder. " try not to talk." He says in a concerned tone. " my arm hurts!"my voice is now a little whisper. " I know just hold on, the ambulance is comming" he takes off his shirt and puts it on my wound applying even more pressure. I can hear distant sirens now. " I've never ridden in an ambulance before." I mumble before passing out. I awake to a hospital room. I am in a hospital room. The right side of my upper body is bandaged and there is an IV in my wrist.the tv is on with the volume turned very low, sponge bob is on. User Tyler asleep in the chair next to my bed and my moms purse in the chair across from me, my parents must be here.i stare at him, watching the rise and fall of his chest, and even in as much pain as I'm in I could stay here watching him forever.

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