Traducciones   11 años

Les Mis Fanfic- Up Up And Away Fraser POV Ever wondered what happened after the Epilogue? Well I will tell you. After the barricade fell, they all went to heaven apart from 2 (figure them out yourself! Hint: they are pickpockets) I was already there and had been for 2 years, watching who was walking up the white, cloudy staircase. First was a girl, she was beautiful, her hair was as brown as chocolate, she walked up the stairs like an angel sent from earth. I never believed in love at first sight... Until now... "Hi" I stumbled. "Hello" the angel replied "My name is Fraser" I said putting my hand out for her to shake. "Mines Éponine but all the barricade boys call me 'Ponine or simply just Ep," she replies shaking my hand. Then I direct her to the main hall of the castle where, the earthly angel walked. Five barricade boys (Grantiare, Gavroche, Joly, Courferac and Enjorlas) introduced themselves then floated to the main building, laughing about what happened on earth at the barricade. Half an angels hour later: My 'Mother' Fantine came looking for me, "Fraser, will you help me!?" Let me get this straight from now. a mayor promised to look after her daughter but, as soon as she died she wasn't sure if he was joking or not so she stood by the stairs waiting in case. But her daughter never came. I did, after a drastic horse, cart and boy crash, and she guarded me ever since I helped my mother and then went to my room and dreamed about Ep. A few dreams later I was having the best dream but I heard my name in radio "Another one," the radio cracked "he looks bad. He's in black." I sprinted to the stairs and there was a man in black stomping up the stairs like the devils assistant. Suddenly a stair fell and he was sent plummeting down to Hell shouting "you know nothing of Javert!!!!!" I glided back to my room and dreamed again...

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