Tradurre   11 anni fa

We Keep On Living #DetailsOf#lifeUnnoticed The world too big, And you too small. Society of the variety You part of a variety, A variety someone already claimed for. And the piercing truth You one day will realize Of how the world Revolves around solely on its core, Not you. What do we strive How do we strive Why do we strive For a purpose unknown? When my purpose, Though thought special, Can be the same as yours? When my purpose Can be an illusion Leading me to a deceived #life. When you don't even know, Let alone given a thought, the reason for the granted #life given, A spirit defining you. But we keep living on Despite the uncertainties And the discriminant ways The world will never change, But the way you view the world can And thus The world "you" live in will There is nothing special To this world that hunts for What the world defines to be the best So you just go on living Finding your own meaning Of what the best actually is

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