Translate   12 years ago

A Bit Of Johnlock Sherlock sits in the apartment waiting for john to arrive back home. He looks at the bullet holes which scar the purple wall. Sherlock considers the number of times john has looked at those bullet holes and thought of the man who created them. Sherlock could picture his old friends shocked face when he sees him sitting in his living room. Sherlock thinks about how john has missed him but without consciously admitting it thinks about how much he has missed john. Sherlock hears the front door unlock. He smiles. The sound of footsteps rise up the stairs. Sherlock is exited to see the man he loves most in all of the last ten years. The door slowly opens. "Hello! Is anyone home?" A woman's singsongy voice calls. Sherlocks stomach drops. The woman walks into the room. "Who are you!?" Sherlock is almost angry at this woman. For the first time in his #life something has happened without Sherlock expecting it. "How did you get into my flat?" The woman asks, terrified. LATER Sherlock leaves the house miserably. He is not used to failure. EVEN LATER "Honey I got some milk," calls john to his wife. "There was someone here" she is sitting where Sherlock used to sit. "What do you mean honey, who?" "His name was Sherlock." John looks up.

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