Tradurre   11 anni fa

They told me I can't lie. It's not that. It's that I can't tell the truth anymore. I've been lying to everyone, including myself, of way to long. I see a shell of my old self in the mirror. But I don't dare myself to question where my true self is. I hold everything in till i can't breathe. I pretend like nothing hurts me. I laugh a long like the jokes not at my expense. I smile like you're words don't push me down. I used to think that I would always be loved by my family now, I'm doubting if they even notice me when I'm in the same room. I used to laugh naturally now it's as fake as my smile but who would care to notice that? Who would dare look at the broken girl? Who would dare help the ugly girl? Who would dare love a fat girl? Who would help someone so lost? Who would dare to care?

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