First period, Fire #life skills. Seccond period: #life skills. Third: Study Hall Fourth: History Fith: Lunch Sixth: Gym My school day was pretty short actually. My first class was with Mia and Oscar. We had fire powers. Basically we would learn how to use it. We took a physical test for fire. Then my favorite #life skills. I slipped into a desk next to Felix and Mia. Felix tapped his pencil against the desk while Mia leafed through her "#life Skills For you convenice #1" textbook. Mrs.Glow stood from her desk and announced "We will be studying #life skills physically today. I assigned your partners." She started reading off the list. "Mia Light with Alice Loner." "Oscar Wendler with Stephanie Northe." "Sophie Mcquinn with Jack Strikler." "Liv Frenche with Liam Light." "Felix Orb with Fia Flame" Felix grabbed my hand and dropped the pencil, I grabbed my book and we headed to the counters. Our favorite spot to work. Felix summoned a blue orb, and placed it in my hand. I summoned a small stripe of orange and yellow and placed it in his hand, waving like a candle. In this class, we would switch our summones and practice them. I took the orb and cupped it around my hands, It splashed in front of me as I let it out of my hands, it bounced and exploded creating a mass of water, I stuck my hand in the water, making ripples. I made a grabbing motion and pushed it towards Felix. He took the fire and yelped. Setting the fire free, he pushed it forward. Combining it with the water. Together they fought. Water VS fire. We could shape it into anything. But I liked it the way it was. Finally, Felix and I chopped our hands through our sections, fire flashed to me and water towards Felix. "I love that trick." I say, satisfied. Felix nods and we turn to Mrs.Glow, who stared sat us in awe. "Felix and Fia, have mastered the FlameOrb trick." She announced. For once, I felt very proud of myself.

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