Translate   12 years ago

The Third Eye The third eye, the other perspective The look when minds are reflective I don't want to be here, so it feels that My mind is setting me a mouse trap I happen to think the leafy green helps So I violently search for it through the shelves Finally I stumble across a blue bong With supply to fuck me up all night long What if my mom knew? Well what could she do? My mind is twisted with a dark blue hue Tried to colour it, didn't do I'm addicted to #depression Because it is my only passion It's my growing pain, my lyrics writer I'm insane if I don't have my lighter I'm a fighter, what I spit is plain cypher Thank you for making my heart bleed You planted the dark seed that I can never defy And high, I look at the pale blue sky Wishing there had been a you and I

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