Traducciones   11 años

One Dark Night Chapter 22 He was chasing me and cursing at me. It looks like he is going to kill me when he reaches me. I gotta run faster! He... He is going too fast. I feel like I'm slowing down. I am! How?! Why?! I looked over at Walt and it looked like he was controlling it. How?! I thought vampires are only supposed to have one power each. No! I wasn't expecting this! If... If I had known I wouldn't have done this. I look back at Walt and something had hit him. Some how I tumbled. It felt like he was controlling me and when something had hit him he had let go of me and the force made me tumble. I ran over to Walt to see what had hit him. Then someone jumped on me. I screamed "who are you?!" "Who are you?!" "What are you talking about?! You just jumped on me!" "So? Wow! Your eyes are so perfectly golden." "What?" "I just love your eyes, love." "I thought regular vampires hate Goldie's." "Ha! Where did you hear that stuff?!" "Walt over there said..." "Is Walt a Goldie?" "No..." "So he has to be wrong because he wouldn't be hanging out with you if that was true." "Well we weren't really 'hanging'." "Oh well what did you do? I saw him chasing you? Did he try to kiss you and you rejected him? That was the case many of times." "No. I bit someone in front of him on purpose to show I'm stronger." "You did that in front of Walt?! You really must be strong!! Do you know how crazy he gets when someone bits a human if they didn't need too?!" "No I don't know." Then I felt something hit me in the back of my head.

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