Translate   12 years ago

The Songbird High atop the chestnut tree, I sit. The leaves shuddering in the breeze As a voice, like a peal of bells, sounds, Followed by a glimpse of golden Sunlight, illuminating her return. Her return brings comfort. It Brings reassurance and respite in The form of a silver melody. Ever has it been there, and ever Should it stay, to sing me to sleep And lull my tears away. Countless of times have the notes of her tune soothed the pricks on My delicate skin, soft touches Wiped the dribbles off of my chin, Quelled anger in my heart and Pushed me forwards, through the start. But one day, one day, One day my wings will take me Away. Away from home and everything I have ever known. And even though I may be A million miles away, it will be Your song which sings me to sleep And lulls my tears away. Because even though I may be A million miles away, Here by your side forever I will stay.

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