Love Is Like Sunshine Narrator : There was this man name Leroy Jefferson who was married for over ten years but one day his wife Rochelle told him... Rochelle Jefferson: I don't love you am so tired of you . All you do is go to work and than you come home and don't do nothing tell me something why is that huh you seeing someone else because if so let me know. Are you cheating ? Leroy Jefferson: Huh what are you talking about ? If you don't want the #life you live than leave who stopping you I am so tired of coming home and hearing you talking about am cheating . Why would I cheat on the woman that I love huh tell me that. Rochelle Jefferson: I don't know if you see yourself in that mirror you would ask yourself why do I come home late . Leroy Jefferson: Come here! To me baby look I have to work I am business man I own a company I just can't come home . You good baby I know you would be besides I tuck the day off just to spend time with you .

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