Falling In Love Prologue "I really did love him, but how would I say that to his...." I jumped in shock, slamming my battered book closed as I did. "Sorry what did you say Mabel?" "It's closing time honey." Mabel replied cheerfully. Mabel is Rocky Bay's librarian, she is kind, caring, funny and to me she's more a friend than anything else. I hurriedly gathered my things, I'd been here for two solid hours reading the library's copy of 'Falling In Love'. I couldn't put the book down, it was so intriguing. It was a love story -hence the title- about a girl who fell in love with a boy but he didn't know.... Wait hold on, what am I saying if I told you what happened you wouldn't want to read the book. I've read it several times, 27 to be precise. "Now you be safe darling." "I always am," I replied as I wrapped myself in my puffy, red jacket and stuck on my wooly hat. It was currently snowing outside, it appeared to be getting worse and December had barely started. Looks like Rocky Bay was going to be in for a white Christmas! "Bye." I waved to Mabel and cautiously walked down the giant stone steps of the library praying I wouldn't slip, I grabbed my book out as I did so. I started reading again. My freezing button nose was stuffed inside my jacket so my only facial feature that was visible were my eyes, I must've looked odd. Right where was I? Oh yeah, chapter 3, page 67. "How would I say that to his face? A boy like him would never like a girl like me, I thought to myself as I walked, as I did so I whacked...." And just like the book instructed, I too bumped into someone. All my borrowed books went flying and so did I. I braced myself for the landing but it was surprisingly cushy. I squinted my eyes open and realised I had pinned a poor boy to the ground. I was staring directly into his eyes and he was doing the same. I felt funny inside, like a little child on Christmas morning, who was this boy? I had never met him before in my #life and yet I felt as though I'd known him my entire #life! Then my brain snapped back into action, erasing all the silly, dreamy thoughts I'd been having 2 seconds before. This was reality, this boy wasn't the 'one' just an absolute stranger that I'd never meet again. Reality is nothing like books unfortunately. I quickly scurried off of him and began retrieving all my things that were now cluttered all over the pavement. I could just about make out their shapes in the vastly growing snow. "Uh I'm so sorry I didn't see you and I." I began to blabber. "Hey, hey it's ok, I didn't see you either, so we're even." He gave out a little laugh that made my heart melt. I stood up and began to leave, he grabbed my wrist and spun me round. "Don't forget this." He pressed a book into my hands, and if you were wondering if it was from the library then the answer is yes. I gave a small smile. "Thanks. Well I gotta go, I'm so sorry and bye." I rushed off feeling humiliated. When I rounded the corner I leaned against a brick wall to catch my breath as I did so I swore I heard him say "So hey what's your name maybe we could," I peeked round the corner, he'd stopped talking, obviously realising that I'd left. He turned and walked off in the opposite direction. I gave a smile then began to walk again, I brought my book out as I did and began reading even though as I'd just experienced, it wasn't a very good idea. I began to make my way down the tree-lined street, it looked magical, like what Narnia would look like if it were real. All the trees were covered in snow and I could barely see 3ft in front of me. Fortunately the street seemed deserted meaning I could sink into the intense love story once again without having to worry about any dangers, in this case I meant people. I finally entered my avenue which was, like everywhere else, covered with snow which was still landing softly on the ground. Right now it looked like a beautiful, cotton white blanket. This is when I liked the snow, when it's fresh and fantasising but once it turns to slush and there's yellow patches it tends to not look so fantastical. As I walked through my street I heard the excited cries of children eagerly beginning to make snowmen, battle it out in snow ball fights and make fragile snow angels. I couldn't help not to smile, everyone was so happy, as was I. I was imagining going home making some scrumptious hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows and relaxing on the couch watching TV. I was certain that dad would have the fire burning for my arrival home. I picked up my pace just thinking about it. Finally I was sticking my key in the lock and pushing the door home to hear a crackling fire. "YES!" I cheered quietly to myself. "Gotta go get my pj's on." I took off my snow covered coat and hung it over the hall radiator. I turned around to stand face to face with my dad. I gave a little yelp and dived back a few inches. "You scared me!" I exclaimed, as I leaned against the wall catching my breath. "Well I'm very sorry," He said sarcastically. "Anyway I just wanted to let you know that we've got to go to your Aunt's big Christmas shindig again this year. It's tonight, it starts at 7." I gave out an aggravated sigh. Well there went all of my evening plans. My Aunt is a very important woman and she knows very important people, she is also a very rich woman, meaning if I wanted any christmas money this year I'd have to be at her big party, there was no avoiding this. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad this year anyway.... Who am I kidding, I say that ever year, it will never be good! "Okay, I'll go get ready." I rolled my eyes and began to shuffle towards the stairs moping. This would be a long night. Chapter 1 My Dad and I arrived 10minutes early, we'd tried to be punctual. I teetered inside in my high heeled shoes to be immediately greeted by Aunt Thelma. She wrestled me into a hug, almost pulling me off my feet and began blabbering on about how much I'd grown and how I looked so much older now, the usual auntie business. She then led my dad and I into a big, grand hall filled with decorations, buffet tables and a tiny, wood stage, for I'm guessing a live band, my Aunt would be too sophisticated to have a DJ. There were also piles of balloons floating about. A few other people were also here already and they were trying to make awkward small talk with each other. I began to turn round to tell Auntie Thelma about how amazing the place looked when I realised she'd disappeared. Just as I noticed this she came bustling back into view with another guest by her side. He looked male from what I could see at such far a distance. Broad shoulders, average height -For a man- and he -Could still be she though- was wearing a suit. "Ah Flora darling, this is Jack." She gestured towards the boy -My instincts had been correct- he gave a small smile and an almost unnoticeable head nod. "Hi." I said, giving him my hand to shake, he looked awfully familiar. "Uh hi." He stammered and then he kissed my hand! I didn't expect it, I assumed when he took my hand he'd shake it but then he lifted it up to his lips. Maybe he was just trying to lighten things up a bit, I mean a kiss on the hand is much more inviting than a hand shake, too formal. He then looked into my eyes and then it clicked, I knew who he was, the boy I'd bumped into in the street. "Do I know you from somewhere?" I questioned. "Yeah we met this morning in the street, remember, you knocked me to the ground." He gave out a laugh, I smiled nervously. "Oh yeah, sorry again." I then turned to speak to Auntie Thelma but realised that she and my dad had both left. My dad was chatting to his sister and Aunt Thelma was welcoming more guests. I peered round the room, it was now filled with a lot more people, all the men in their pressed black suits and the women in their various flowing dresses. The room was a blur of colour as people danced, chatted and greeted old friends. The room was beginning to get far too cramped and stuffy. I could feel the palms of my hands getting clammy, my cheeks were burning up and my breathing was much more shallow. "Hey you ok?" Asked Jack who was watching me worriedly. "Yeah, just need a little bit of air." A smile crossed over his face. "Hey come with me." He held out his hand for me to take, I took it and he began leading me through the crowds. We weaved in and out through the people making me dizzier, when we finally got out of the room I was as pale as a ghost. "You'll be okay in a minute." Jack assured. He then led me down a few cobblestone steps and out into the garden, well one of the several gardens in the acre of ground. The cooling air on my body felt immense. We then rounded the corner of the house, went through a tiny door that only a select few knew how to enter by to be presented with fairy lights, a flower arch and various flower pots were placed around in bunches. There was also a stone fountain and a little ledge that overlooked the garden. A few white Cupid chairs and tables were scattered around, each with their own glowing candle -Every table had a different scented candle- Jack led me down to a Cupid bench underneath a willow tree at the bottom of the garden beside a wishing well that played a big part in my childhood but not as big as the willow tree did. I gasped when I saw it, remembering all the fun times I'd had with that tree when I was younger. It would've been my secret spy base when I was an undercover agent or my evil lair when I was being a scientist or it would just plainly be a willow tree where I'd lie on the grass underneath the tree serenely reading. It brought back so many delightful memories that a smile couldn't help but cross my face. When we finally reached the tree I noticed there were also pink fairy lights wrapped around its trunk. "It's, it's stunning." I managed to squeak out, I was literally speechless, it looked so magical, like a picture in a book. I was awestruck. Jack walked over and sat down on the bench patting the space next to him gesturing for me to sit too. I joined him and we looked out into the peaceful, sleeping garden. No words can describe the feeling that I was feeling. It was different from anything I'd felt before but in a very good way. I wish that I was able to just click a pause button and just stay here, sitting, forever and ever. "How do you know about this place?" I questioned. I assumed that I was one of the few who Aunt Thelma had shown, what she called, her 'secret garden'. "Your aunt showed me." He replied, staring into the shadowed garden. Jack turned to me, "So why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?" He asked, moving swiftly on from my last question. I was a little taken aback, what was I going to tell him, I lived a very boring #life. "Well I'm Flora Tennerfield, I'm 21, I work at the post office in Rocky Bay, my favourite colour is red, this brown hair colour is my natural hair and I've had green eyes since the day I was born and I live a very boring, repetitive #life. What about you?" "I'm Jack, I'm not sure of my surname, I'm 21 too and this brown hair colour is my natural hair," He gave out a laugh. "Oh and as of right now I don't have a job since I just got here yesterday, I'm staying at your Aunt's bed and breakfast." I forgot to mention this is why my Aunt is so rich and important, she owns a branch of bed and breakfasts all around the earth, she's world wide and has a 4 and a 1/2 star rating. "So what brings you here to Rocky bay? You said you only got here yesterday." I asked, curious to know the answer. "Well I used to live in Italy but came over here to find my real parents, ya see I'm adopted, my parents abandoned me and my sister, I don't know who she is by the way either, when we were only little. So I'm over here to find them." I was a bit phased, he'd told me practically his whole #life story by the sounds of things, in a mere minute. It was sad that he was adopted, I couldn't imagine what it would be like not knowing your real parents. "Ooh an Italian, I don't think I've ever known one." I told him, trying to brighten the mood. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was smiling. I gazed around the garden taking in the picturesque scenery. "It's a beautiful night." I whispered, not really wanting to break the silence. "Yeah it's alright." He replied. "Alright! ALRIGHT! It's so much more than alright, it's magical, it's fantastical, it's, it's mesmerising." He gave a chuckle as he stared me in the eyes smiling. He was going to kiss me, I could tell. Every single bone in my body was tingling, he leaned in for the kiss, his lips were two inches away from mine when.... "Oh so this is where you two crazy kids are." Said Aunt Thelma as she walked onto the scene. Jack dived backwards two feet and I did the same in the other direction. I tried my best not to act like a guilty murderer and even still I could feel my face burning up. "Come on inside, you are missing all the fun!" Exclaimed Aunt Thelma. "I don't know about that." I thought to myself. Even still we followed her back indoors. I gave Jack a small smile as my hand brushed against his. He took it and began to rub his thumb around in a circle in the surface of my palm. It was very soothing. I relaxed just a little more as we walked into the giant room full of people. I had a feeling that I would actually enjoy Aunt Thelma's party this year.

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