I Hate Kate She's funny and she's awesome, Intelligent and kind, She's pretty and she's sexy, A quick wit and clever mind. She's a rebel and a raver, Determined, tough and strong, She'll fight for what she believes in And she's never, ever wrong. She's a model of femininity, A modern romantic girl, If I have to hear her name again, Beware, I think I'll hurl. Her hair's a mane of golden thread, Her eyes; jewels of sea-blue, Her figure is to die for; She's so much better than you. She's meek and coy and modest, She's courageous, brave and bold, How is she so perfect? It's a lie that I must unfold. You can't believe you met her, What luck! Oh thank the fates, Everybody loves her; But I fucking hate Kate. #rant Sorry if you're name is Kate, it's not aimed at you.
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