перевести   11 лет назад

Child Abuse My name is Grace I am three My eye is swollen I cannot see I sit and wonder Have I been bad What have I done To make Daddy so mad He calls for me I run and hide I will not listen I know he has lied Soon he will find me And I'll kick and fight But he always wins And I know he just might Hit me and whip me As I scream and shout But he doesn't listen And blocks my cries out And then it's all over I'm left on the bed What he doesn't know Is I'm already dead My name was Grace I was three And I hope that by reading this You will see That there are others out there With the same story as me But you could be the one To save us from fear All you're to do Is listen with eyes and ears My name is Grace And I'm asking you In your such long #life What can you do? A/N This is my first #poem and I know it isn't that good but I just felt like writing this. Children all around the world are being abused harassed and it's up to us to do something about it. If you would like to repost this, you are free to, just please give me credit for it. We can be the next generation. Please help.

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