Words And Bullets Are Sisters No. You've lied again. It seems you've mixed up the words "friends" and "I hate you," but then again, that's what you always do, if my memory isn't mistaken. You took my heart and smushed it; but you did this silently, while my back was turned, so I wouldn't notice. I could keep following you around like the other girls my age or I can swing alone at recess. I chose to be alone. Ever since then I couldn't take a step forward without feeling the pain of my the only remanence of my heart I have left; a half. Do you know how it felt to wake up in the morning feeling like I'm missing something? Do you know how many nights my eyes were rimmed with tears, so I had to apply extra mascara to stop the crying? Do you have a clue as to what you put me through? Judged on the things you call people behind their backs, I can't help but wonder what you call me. It keeps me up at night and anxious in the day.

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