Traducciones   12 años

A Beautiful #life Chapter 9 Powers? What kind of powers do I have? Do I look beautiful as a alien like Adam did or do I look ugly?! How do I turn into a alien anyway?! "I don't know what powers you have. You probably would look beautiful. You can't turn into a full one yet." "Oh really? Why not?" "Because if you do you won't be able to control it and then your mum would find out I told you!" "Oh... So when am I able to leave?" "Anytime. Next time you get hurt, remember that you heal. When I mean heal is that if you break your leg it will heal itself without you needing to go to the hospital. Just want you to know. Also because your not a full alien yet you heal slowly." "Oh ok" Then we left and he put one hand on his head and the other in the air while his eyes were closed. All of a sudden 'boom' a beautiful Lamborghini is in front of us. Did he move that with his mind?! Was it even his?! He then said "yes to both questions." He really got to stop reading my mind!

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