Translate   12 years ago

Not Fair I look at others who have staggered and muddled their way through the wastelands of their lives Dropping out, accidental babies, boyfriend after boyfriend, job after job, never finishing anything they start And I wonder how is it fair, that these wandering, meandering perpetual children spend their irresponsible capricious days with smiles upon their faces and their loves by their side? Whilst I battle and struggle and work to stay on the right path Doing the right thing Making the right choices Never ever giving up And yet I spend my nights weeping and alone, Separated from my happiness time and time again by obligation and duty and making the right fucking choices? The answer is it's not Never has been Never will be So I try to accept it Lower my head once more Swallowing the plaintive little girl's voice that threatens to rise out of my constricted throat and scream "It's not fair" I try to believe (though by now my belief has lost its elastic and no longer always springs so quickly back to shape) That one day all this work, this longing, this frustration, these tears Will pay off And I too can spend my days with a smile on my face And my love by my side...

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