Let's Praise The Newborn King! In Bethlehem, stood a small barn, Where a woman was about to give birth, This baby, you see, was the son of God, And someday he would rule the earth. A star was shining, in the sky, Was to be followed, three wise men were told. They brought The Lord three nice gifts, Myrrh, Frankincense, and Gold. The baby was finally born, you see, On the cold, loving Christmas night, While sitting snug in a hay-filled manger, With the star shining up so bright. They named the baby, Jesus, For that was The Lord God's Wish. And they snuggled tightly in the barn, Listening to the calm wind swish. A small young boy, with a drum so small, Smiled at the baby boy, He said "I'm sorry, I have no gift," So he played softly, with his little drumming toy. The people and animals rejoiced, As the angels above began to sing, This is the baby of The Lord Almighty, Let's Praise the Newborn King!

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