in the middle of the crowd I tried to focus my eyes and sharpen my ears, but they were in vain. They were still unnamed faces, murmuring voices. Adults mumbling barely audible talks, children running jumping chattering around. The loud voices on the sound system is more a distraction than calming, though the songs played are of those melancholic tones. But through it all, im imagining hearing the ticking of the clock. A moment there hearing the hands of time mercilessly moving. Amazing, how people can keep their grudge for a freakishly long time. Some do it intently, and some others do it unknowingly. And me... I can safely say that i am the latter. ..... Looking at these people, scarily busy and loud with no specific meaning. As if they will live forever. ..... Can you figure out the riddle of the heart? How it can kill you, change your appetite and leap you off up and down.

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