Just A Little Pep-Talk. The world is constantly spinning, and yeah it's hard to understand... This place is full of things called atoms and particles... That doesn't mean much to me to be honest. But the world is also made up of billions of people and these people have feelings. Some are good feelings and some are plain nasty. But what is we all just stopped worrying about #life? And just accepted that things will go wrong... There will be bad times but you know- if there wasn't bad there would be no good! We have to learn to accept it as it comes, like #life. A lot of people plan their whole lives out in front of them,' I wanna be a doctor in America at the age of 20, married at 30 and have three kids... ' Well to all those people that plan their lives out- stop. You have to let #life flow, not deicide where it turns at the age of 16... You won't be able to see #life in its full colours if you do that! There's a lot of people out there who are struggling, they don't enjoy their #life. But if you are struggling you have to keep in mind that you, and only you can really change that. One day your gonna have to get up and try; otherwise what would be the point? Your gonna try harder in school, when you finish school become whatever you like, travel the world if you want to! All of us out there... We can do anything if we just try. If scientists years ago didn't try we would still think that the world is a square and that everything spins around us! If Ben and Jerry didn't try we wouldn't have Ben and Jerry's ice cream, now that would be a shame! You have to stop being boring- anyone, anything, can do that easily! You have to get up and show the world that you are awesome. If one person does that, everyone will start to do it too! They'll leave their frowns on the floor and get their smiles on! Can you do that? Can you show the world that your awesome? I'm betting on you that you can. Smiles make the world a better place.

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