Translate   12 years ago

Bodil40 X Reader Key: (Y/N)- Your name (E/C)- Eye colour (H/C)- Hair colour You were walking around the corridor of your collage with your friends Abby,Milly and Crystal to your next class. As you said goodbye to your friends and went through the door you bumped into someone. "Oh my! I am so sorry!" you looked up to see a young boy about the same age as you with black short hair and deep blue eyes. He wore dark sunglasses that looked very cool on him."It's fine! It was actually quite funny!" he chuckled. You smiled as you heard his accent. "Are you from Bulgaria?" you asked him. He looked at you. "Yes I am." he answered. Then the bell rang. "Oh I should get to class. See ya sometime round." he said smiling as he exited. You sighed and sat down ready for English. All through your lesson you couldn't stop thinking about that boy you met. "(Y/N)? Are you paying attention?" asked the teacher. You nodded your head but before the teacher could continue the bell went and you ran out of the class as fast as you could. You were sitting at a table with your friends talking until you were heading towards the libery. Then someone jumped in front of you making you scream. Then you heard a laugh. You uncovered your eyes to see the boy you met before English before you. "Hey! It's ok its just me!" he said. You breath out in relief. "You gave me a heart attack!" you told him. He just laughed. "You heading towards the libery?" he asked you. You nodded. "May I tag along. I would like to introduce myself." he asked earning a nod from you. You walked along the long corridors whilst you were talking to the boy. "My name is Martin but everyone calls me Bodil." he told you. "(Y/N)" you told him earning a smile. At the libery you were searching for some books when Bodil passed you and slipped a note in your pocket without you noticing. "Hey, (Y/N) I gotta go. I'll see you around." he told you waving as he exited. You were walking home with Abby, Milly and Crystal when you felt something in your pocket. You didn't get it out until you said goodbye to your friends and entered your house. You hung your bag up and sat down on the couch. You got the paper out and read it. ' Hey (Y/N), Call me. Maybe we can hang out sometime? Bodil. Xx' Your eyes widened and you got your phone. You entered the number and added Bodil as a contact. You were out in the garden with you husky Marley when your phone rang. You picked it up. "Hello?" "Hey (Y/N)!" "Bodil?" "Yeah, it's me!" "Hey! How's it going?" "Doing good. Um...Can I ask you something?" "Of course! What is it?" "Well....Can you meet me at the libery at lunch so we can hang out?" "Yes! Of corse I will! I'll see you there!" "Great see you tomorrow!" "See ya, Bodil!" "See ya....'I love you'" "What?" "Nothing! See ya!" He hung up. "I could have sworn he said..." you shook your head to get the thought out of your head. You saw Marley with a ball in his mouth coming towards you. He places the ball in your lap. You grabbed the ball, stood up and threw the ball across the garden with a happy Marley chasing it. You were on your way to school when you revived a text from Bodil. -'Still going to meet me?' 'Yes. I will be there.'- You walked into school and entered your classroom to see the teacher talking to your friends. Once they had finished they walked up to you. "We are sorry (Y/N). We are being sent home because we are to sick. But we will be coming to the party for the last day if collage!" Crystal said, sniffing. "It's fine! Get well soon you three." you told them. The bell went and you sat down in your seat. You made your way towards the libery. You dusted yourself off at the door and then entered. You looked around to find Bodil nowhere in sight. You sighed. Maybe he just trolled you. Then you heard a scream. As you looked around the corner you saw Bodil backed up in a corner with three of the school bullies Frank, Bill and Shaun surrounding him. You hid around the corner watching their every move. "No! Please leave me alone!" he cried. You ran up the bullies, blocked them from Bodil and punched them all in the face causing their noses to bleed. They walked out and headed towards the first aid room. You turn to Bodil. "You ok Bodil?" "Yeah...Thanks..." You noticed Bodil was blushing. You smiled. You grabbed him by the arm. "Well? I am here now! Let's go!" You and Bodil spent rest of lunch together laughing and talking. You looked into his eyes and he did the same. You were about to speak when the bell rang. You got up and so did Bodil. "I'll see you around (Y/N)..." "Yeah....see ya.." You walked away and started blushing. Bodil watched you walk away but then he ran up to you and grabbed your arm. "Bodil? Whats wrong?" "Is it ok....if I walk home with you?" You blushed a little and nodded. Bodil smiled and waved to you before waking away. You walked into class and sat down. The teacher couldn't stop talking and you were glad to get out of school to meet up with Bodil. You were walking home with Bodil making you laugh and blush. All the other times Bodil didn't realised but this time he did. "(Y/N)? Are you....blushing?" You gasped in shock. You turned you head away but Bodil knew you were. He turned you head back to him. "It's fine. Blush all you want." he told you. You smile as you continued walking. "You know (Y/N)....your very....cute.." he said smiling at you. You smiled back. "Your very......sweet." you told him making him blush really bad. Soon you got to your house. You opened your door and Marley ran out. "Hi boy!" you called to him, petting him. "Aww! Wow! You have a husky? They are my favourite dog!" Bodil told you. Marley walked up to him wagging his tail and barking. "What's his name?" Bodil asked, whilst bending down to stroke the dog."Marley. He is only seven months." you told him. Marley walked back to you whilst Bodil came up to you. "I guess I will see you later Bodil." you said turning around to walk in. "Wait!" Bodil said grabbing your arm. You turned around earning a soft nudge by Bodil. "That's for making me blush!" he told you smiling. You looked at Marley who turned his head to one side. You turned back to Bodil who was rubbing his hand on his other arm. Then he grabbed you by the front of your shirt and kissed you on the cheek. You stood shocked. "That's for....everything else.." he said walking away. "See ya (Y/N)!" you heard him before he disappeared behind the trees. You placed your hand on the place where he kissed you. You smiled. Three words were floating around in your head at the same moment. 'He loves me' It was Saturday morning. You were in the kitchen when you heard a knock on the door. You opened it and saw Bodil. You smiled. "H-Hey (Y/N)..." "Bodil! Come on in!" "Thanks. Oh! Hello Marley!" Marley came up to Bodil wagging his tail as Bodil picked him up. Bodil sat down with Marley in his arms. "So, what brings you here Bodil?" "I was wondering if I could take Marley for a walk with you..." "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" You were walking in the park with Bodil watching Marley play around in all the leaves and sticks. You both sat down on a bench and began to talk. "Hey Bodil?" "Yeah?" You pulled him by his blue scarf and kissed him on the cheek. He looked shocked. "(Y/N)? W-W..." "I'll see you around Bodil." You got up but leaned and whispered something in his ear. "Meet me here in the morning at 9" You smiled and whistled for Marley who ran up to you as you walked away. Bodil watched you walk away the same words you had in your head before floated around his head. 'She loves me' Bodil was waiting on the bench the next morning as you walked down. He was surprised as he saw Marley with you too. "Hey, there boy!" Bodil picked him up and stroked him as you sat down next to him. "Hey." "Hey, why so down?" "I am not down....just thinking..." "Oh yeah? Well? Tell me. What are you thinking?" You blushed and smiled slightly. You didn't answer Bodil but he smiled and lifted your head. "Please (Y/N). Tell me." "Ok...I have been thinking.....I.." You paused. Bodil leaned forward and cut you off by connecting your lips together. You were shocked at first but you soon closed your eyes as you melted in his touch. You returned the kiss, your lips moving in rhythm with his. He soon pulled away, blushing madly. You felt warm inside. You just needed him to say the words. "Now are you going to tell me?" "Yeah!" You leaned forward and whispered something in his ear. "I love you..." You looked into Bodil's eyes and saw he was blushing like crazy. You smiled and turned around to see Marley looking at you. "W-What are you looking at?" Bodil laughed. Marley jumped up at your legs and you got up. "See ya later Bodil." "Meet me at the libery tomorrow morning. I have something special planned for the last day of collage. Dress pretty." Bodil winked at you causing you to blush. Quickly you blew him a kiss and ran after Marley. You were waiting in the libery where Bodil told you to meet him. You wore your hair in a bun and you wore your finest dress. Bodil entered through the door smiling at you. You saw him and got up. "Hey! Wow you look stunning!" "Thanks! I haven't seen you so...handsome." Bodil blushed and held your hand. "Let's go." You entered the hall where the dance was being held. Everyone was there even your friends. Crystal came up to you. "Hey (Y/N)" "Hey Crystal." "Who's your date?" You blushed slightly. "This is Martin but I call him Bodil." "Bodil?" Bodil turned to her. "Take good care of our friend." "Oh I will!" Bodil wrapped his arms around you neck making you smile. Crystal smiled at your happiness. "You two have fun. And good luck." She walked away. Bodil heard the music change into something romantic and smiled. He grabbed you by the hand making you look at him in shock. "May I have this dance?" "Yes, you may," Bodil took your hand and held you close. You were feeling very happy inside. You looked at him to see him blushing at you. You smile and dance with him. Everyone had stopped dancing and cleared the floor for you and Bodil as you danced. Soon Bodil stopped and looked at you. He brushed some of you (H/C) hair away from your eyes smiling. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Bodil then placed his lips on yours in a kiss. You returned the kiss blushing. He then pulled away smiling. You looked into his eyes and smiled. Before you could say anything Bodil turned you around with you leaning near the floor. You gasped. "(Y/N). This is the most fun I have ever had...and I want to have more like this....but do you want to know what made this night better?" "What did Bodil?" Bodil blushed. "You..." You smiled and pulled your lips together. Everyone including your friends started cheering. Bodil then lifted you up and returned the kiss. You pulled away slowly and Bodil said the words you wanted to hear him say all the time. "(Y/N)...I love you!" You placed your lips on his again before pulling away. "I love you too!" The night was coming to a close. You started to make your way home when you felt yourself being picked up off the ground. Bodil had picked you up bridal style and whispered something in your ear. "Can I come home with you?" You nodded and he carried you all the way home. You opened the door and was greeted by Marley. You sat down whilst Bodil sat down next to you fussing Marley. "I can't believe I have finished collage!" "I know! By the way....I want to ask you something.." "What is it?" "Go on a date in the park with me tomorrow morning?" You kissed him on the cheek. "You bet! I guess you want me to bring this one to!" You looked at Marley who was fast asleep in Bodil's arms. "Yep!" Bodil place Marley gently in his bed and kissed you goodbye before leaving. You where waiting in the park for Bodil. Marley was playing with a big log he had found. "Marley! Don't chew that!" You looked up and saw Bodil making his way towards you. You smiled and turned to Marley. "Marley! Who's that?!" Marley turned around to see Bodil and went dashing towards him. Bodil bent down and Marley ran into his arms. Bodil carried him back to you and sat down with you. You both fussed him until Bodil turned to you. "(Y/N)....the reason I have brought you here is because I want to ask you something." "What is it?" Bodil turned to you. "Would you like to move in with me?" Bodil turned his head away waiting for a response. You turned his head towards you and smacked your lips against his. His eyes lit up in shock but he soon closed them as he melted into your touch. You pulled away smiling. "Is that a yes?" "Yes!" Marley looked at you both. This time Bodil looked at him. "What are you looking at, Marley? Whatever, get you things packed my boy! Your staying with me!" Marley jumped up and licked Bodil's face. Bodil then handed you a red rose. You look shocked. "For the one I love....for my girlfriend.." Bodil blushed as you took the rose and kissed him on the cheek. You got up and held Bodil's hand as you walked home, with the two you love so much. You entered Bodil's house and started to unpack whilst Bodil fussed and played with Marley. Once everything was unpacked you walked in the room to see Marley on his belly earning a good scratch from Bodil. You smiled as you sat down besides him. You leaned on his shoulder smiling at him. Then the doorbell rang. Bodil got up and opened the door. Two people walked in. "Oh! Who is this youngster Martin?" asked one of them. "Stop calling me that! Anyways....'Mum, Dad....this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)." "Nice to meet you dear. I am Martin's mother." "Mum! Stop that!" "What?! It is your name!" "I like Bodil!" You laughed. Marley ran up to Bodil wagging his tail. You got up and picked him up. "Who's the dog?" "Dad, this is Marley. (Y/N)'s dog, well mine too." His farther and mother smiled. "Well...Martin, it looks like you have found the perfect girl for you." "Thank you Mrs..." "(Y/N) just call me Amanda." "Thank you Amanda." "Well son..I would like to welcome (Y/N) to our family. You can call me Stan" "Thank you. Both of you." "It is no problem. Well son looks like we've got to get going. Good luck to both of you." They exited leaving you with Marley in your arms. Bodil came up to you and kissed you on the lips. You smiled. Then Marley managed to squirm his way out of your arms and into the kitchen. You sat down on the couch. Then Bodil stood behind the couch and wrapped his arms around your neck kissing your cheek. You smiled. It was night time. Marley was asleep on Bodil's lap, Bodil had his arm around your neck whilst you rested your head on his shoulders. You got up and headed into the kitchen. Bodil was stroking Marley until he heard you scream. Marley and Bodil jumped up and ran in to see you in a corner with a bat flying in front of you. Bodil grabbed it and let it out of the window. You sigh in relief. "Thanks." "Don't worry about it." You smile. Marley was then asleep again in his bed. Bodil made his way to bed but you stayed up. You were watching the news and heard about a car accident. Then your phone ran. "Hello?" "(Y/N)!" "Milly?" "Have you heard the news!" "Yeah I am watching it right now!" "Crystal was involved in it!" Bodil came down stairs to hear you talking to Milly. "What?!" "It's horrible!" "Is she alive?!" "Yes! She is very lucky! She only had a broken ankle. But still she is in bad shape." "Alright....thanks for telling me." "Goodbye." "Bye" You put the phone down, tears in your eyes. Bodil came down. "Everything alright?" "Oh! Bodil!" Bodil sat down next to you hugging you tightly as you cried. "Bodil! Something terrible has happened! Crystal was caught in a car accident!" Bodil stroked through you (H/C) hair. "shhh. Everything is going to be fine." He kissed you on the cheek calming you down. You soon fell asleep and Bodil carried you upstairs to bed. The next morning you woke up in Bodil's bed. You blushed rapidly but got dressed and went down stairs. As you got to the bottom you saw the door open. You froze. Through the door was a big, black gun. Then a face poked from around the door and saw you. He came through the door followed by four others. You began to panic. They aimed their guns at you making you back up against the wall. The next thing you knew you were tied up to a chair with duck tape covering your mouth. Then the door opened revealing Bodil and Marley. Bodil gasped as he saw you. Marley ran up to one of the robber biting him on the leg. The others tried shooting Bodil but missed and he kicked them knocking the unconscious. Marley had delt with the other one. Bodil untied you, carefully taking the duck tape of your mouth and you ran into his arms. Bodil was breathing heavily in relief. "Are you ok? Did the shoot you?" "No I'm fine." One of the robbers got up and aimed his gun. You saw it and jumped in front of Bodil but he pushed you out of the way getting shot. The robbers escaped but you ran to Bodil's side. "Bodil!" Bodil groaned in pain. You ran and got the phone and called for an ambulance. You stayed with him until they arrived and took him away. You called up his parents and they went down to see him but you didn't go. Instead you phoned Bodil's friends, Adam, Ty, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Jordan and Kyla. They arrived in a hurry. "(Y/N)! What happened?" asked Kyla. You told them everything. Everyone was worried but you were more than worried. You were petrified. You loved him. You loved him more than anything. You all waited until you got a phone call. "Hello?" "Hello. (Y/N)?" "Yes" "We are pleased to say Martin is going to live." "Thank you! Thank you ever so much!" "You are welcome to visit him anytime." "Ok. Thank you! Bye." You put the phone down. Ty looked at you with hopeful eyes. "Well?" "He is ok." Everyone sighed in relief. You decided visit him now. You got your bag and Ty drove you down. As you got out you turned to Ty. "Thanks." "Go on. He waits for you." You smile and run in. Once you found out which room his was in you made your way there. You opened he door to see him laying there on the bed, a bandage across his shoulder. He saw you and sat up. "(Y/N)!" "Bodil!" You ran up and kissed him on the lips. "I saw so worried..." "I was too....about you..." You smiled. He blushed. He sat up and got out of the bed. He held your hand and looked into your eyes. You kissed him once more but this time for longer. He returned the kiss, moving at the same time as you. You felt his tongue run across your lips asking for entrance. The smile of your face says 'Yes you may' and you opened your mouth. Bodil pushed his tongue into your mouth hearing a little moan before exploring your mouth. He felt the warmth of your mouth grow warmer. As he was about to release you forcefully push your tongue into his mouth earning a moan in shock. You let your tongue explore his warm mouth, exploring every nook and cranny. He then pulled away allowing you to catch your breath, moving on to your neck, licking and nibbling trying to find your sweet spot. You let out a quiet moan when he found it and he continued biting and sucking on that one spot leaving hickeys on your neck. You were then interrupted by a knock on the door. Ty and everyone else entered. "Hey Bodil!" "Guys!" The rest of the night you all talked until you had to go home. Bodil dragged you forward placing his lips on yours. You pulled away as he whispered something in your ear. "We can finished what we started when I come home." You blushed and nodded. Ty dropped you off at home. Saying your finally goodbyes you open the door to be greeted by Marley. "Hi boy! Bodil is fine. He will be coming home soon." Marley jumped up in happiness. He soon fell asleep. You began to fall asleep too. You went upstairs and fell asleep on the bed. Bodil was allowed to leave and as he entered the house, he was greeted by Marley. "Hey,there boy!" Bodil picked him up and sat down on the couch. He continued to fuss over Marley until Marley jumped off his lap and onto his bed. Bodil smiled as the little husky fell into a deep sleep. He then walked up stairs and entered the bedroom. He saw you asleep, you head on the pillow. He smiled and sat down at the side of you. He leaned forward to kiss you but you were awake and pulled him closer. You put your lips against his causing him to be shocked however he returned the kiss and you pulled away smiling. "I thought you were asleep!" "And miss you coming home? Never." Bodil smiled at you. "(Y/N)? Can I ask you something?" "Of course!" "Come with me to meet my parents for lunch?" "Sure I would love too!" Bodil smiled and climbed into bed and you cuddled up to him, soon falling asleep. You woke up and got dressed. You walked with Bodil and Marley. You sat down with Bodil, Marley on your lap. You enjoyed talking and eating with his parents. You were eating your dessert when something metal clanged with your teeth. You cough and spit it out. Bodil quickly grabbed it from your hand before you could see what it was. Then you turned around to see Bodil's parents with a camera. Somehow you think something is going to happen. You turn to Bodil, who was holding a metal engagement ring in his hand, and gasped. "(Y/N), I know we have only been going out for a while but...I want to spend my WHOLE #life with you....will you make that happen by becoming Mrs Bodil?" You were speechless. You didn't know what to say. You felt tears in your eyes. You ran into him, kissing his lips like never before. "Yes Bodil! Yes I will!" Bodil smiled at you and placed the ring on your finger. Then something amazing happened. Adam, Ty and all of your other friends jumped out and surprised you. "SURPRISE!!" You smiled in happiness. You turn to Bodil. "You planned this....didn't you?" You could tell the Bulgarian was blushing like crazy. "Y-Yeah....I did..." You put your arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss. Instead he turned you like he did in the dance and kissed you. The next day you were married. Everyone was there. Adam, Ty, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Jordan and Kyla were there and surprisingly so were Abby, Milly and Crystal. The preiest then asked the question you hoped the answer was positive. "Bodil? Do you take (Y/N) to be you wife?" "I do." You smiled only blushing slightly. "(Y/N)? Do you take Bodil to be your husband?" You looked at Bodil in the eyes. "I do." Everyone started cheering. "You may now kiss the bride" You looked at your new husband and leaned in for the kiss. Suddenly something burst through the door. "Run!" a man cried. Everyone looked out of the window and ran out in panic. Then the wall of the church fell in because of an out of control truck causing the whole church to collapse. You were running out when your dress got caught. "(Y/N)!!!!!" The roof fell but you managed to escape just in time. Bodil looked disappointed that his wedding was ruined. You looked at him, everyone crowded around. "You still have to kiss me, you know." Bodil blushed and smiled. You rolled your eyes and press you lips against his. He wrapped his arms around you, returning the kiss. Everyone cheered. You had finally found your perfect husband. THE END

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