Simple days A calm breeze How do you feel? Serendipity That's where you came from Floated here to me Shallow whispers and exploring caves Sunny adventures Running wild Childish giggles, uncontrollable smiles Staring at stars Trying to start Where does #life go? We were free and we would roam Dive to the ocean Spring from the sea foam You're just an anemone Never my enemy Challenges facing and we just breeze by Staring at crystals and frozen in time Humming in harmony Loving the melody Hunting inspiration Without bait Looking left and right Trying to decide Getting caught up in debate And the ethics Hands up to the breeze Swinging from the trees Dewdrops on your knees attracting butterflies Colours in the skies Staring at a dragonfly Rainbows come and go just like you did for me We wanted to grow wings To sing like the birds sing To swim along the seabed Dreams of a sleepyhead.