Brother Death I came back from school and I meet my best friend. It was very sunny and we went to shop and We bought ice cream. A car came and told me that something bad wrong happen in your house. I didn't believe him. And I walked home and I meet my other two friend they told me why you are so happy and i told them why shouldn't I. They say your brother is drown and your happy. It shock me I still didn't believe it. I want home so fast and I saw Garda in my house. My sister was in my house with his kid I ask her she didn't tell. So my cousin told. I was very very shock. We whit and it was night the Garda and all my cousin came to my house and they didn't found him saw we whit until next day. I never sleep that night I was thinking off him. I went beside the river and we look for him we still don't found him. It was 10 o'clock they called use and say we found him and my dad and my brother going to him they didn't let me. I with for few mint. I couldn't whit so I ran to the river Shannon and I saw lot of people there. We came home. They brought him to Sligo hospital. Next day they brought him home to say goodbye to him. All people in that county came to my house because they now him very well. The sad thing was I never even saw him the day before he drown. All student and teacher from my school came to my house. Now I am going to him goodbye brother love you forever