Translate   12 years ago

Today, I spotted something that irritated me. Okay, not irritated, but confused me. In fact, I've seen it so many times, and it’s irritated (confused) me every single time, that I decided to write about it. That, and the fact that I have nothing else to do. Why does every single bottle of shampoo/soap-related-stuff have ‘If product gets in eyes, rinse with water’ written on it? Why? If you do get something in your eye, you’ll be too busy stumbling around the bathroom trying to find the tap to go and read the safety advice on the shampoo bottle. When I’m frantically trying to save my eyesight, I don’t even so much as think to thoroughly comb the product bottle for information on how to correctly wash my eyeballs. It’s part of the unwritten laws of the universe. If you get something in your eye that shouldn’t be in your eye, you wash it out, unless it’s alive, but in that case, what the hell were you even doing anyway?! The panicked eye-rinsing and then shouting down the phone at your doctor if something weird, like your eyes falling out, happens, is general practice. Now, I understand why products which require you to do more than this if your eyeballs come into contact with them (e.g. bleach) would want to write safety information on the bottles, but otherwise? I don’t really understand. Is it meant for aliens not experienced in using soap? In which case, the majority of aliens wouldn’t be able to understand Earth languages anyway, so it’s a bit pointless. Okay, so some people might get soap in their eyes and immediately think to check the bottle to see what to do, but the thing is, the majority of us wouldn’t. You’re not going to stand around in the shower, eyes burning, foraging for the exact shampoo you used so you can check the instructions, are you? That’s a tad like standing in a burning building, searching for the instructions on how to escape (which have probably already burnt), and not leaving because you’re scared you might escape the wrong way... Okay, it's not a lot like that at all really. But, you don’t have to follow people’s advice- you wouldn’t jump in front of a bus just because someone tells you to (unless you’re a complete and utter idiot/John Watson, but then John Watson doesn’t need to follow the general rules of humanity because he’s a fictional character/too awesome for words), You act on instinct. Now, I understand that jumping I front of buses has absolutely nothing to do with getting shampoo in your eye, but still. Why companies bother with spending money printing safety messages on their bottles which, A. no one actually reads (apart from me...) and B. are pretty much pointless, because people do what it’s telling you to do anyway, completely confuses me. As does why I have just spent about forty-ish minutes complaining about shampoo safety messages. Sigh.

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