Over Again Vasilica sat out on his porch with a hand full of pebbles and a tiny flock of birds waddling around before him. He picked one and threw it at one of the birds, then watched as it flailed its wings frantically and squawked hysterically. He chuckled to himself. This process continued until he managed to kill one, having accidentally thrown the pebble too hard and made the bird's brains leak out the side of it's adorable little birdie face. But it's not like it really needed it cause it was stupid as all fuck. He stood up, making all the birds that were still breathing flinch and hop away, fearing for their lives. Vasilica shrugged. He walked over to the bird he accidentally murdered and picked it up by its wing, he then made the journey from where he sat to the dumpster that was like 30 feet away, and he trashed it. To be completely honest, he felt kinda bad for the bird. It's not like it did anything wrong, or attacked him or anything and he went and killed it. But the fact that it was a bird made him feel not as guilty as he would any other animal. He dug into his spacious cargo pockets and from one of them, he pulled out a pack of matches. He pulled out one of the unlucky fuckers and ran its head- in a quick swiping motion along the side of the rusting dumpster, making it spark and watched as a little red flame was brought to #life. He tossed the lighted match into the semi- empty dumpster and took a step back. In a matter of mere seconds, the contents of the dumpster burst into flames and Vasilica watched with slight interest. How the flames danced and formed pictures, and told stories. At least to him they did. He crouched down and glanced up at the raging flames as if to get somewhat of a better view. He stared and stared, becoming lost in their hypnotic percussive dancing, becoming nearly brainwashed.

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