übersetzen   11 Jahre

I jumped over the park bench, stumbling over the curb I quickly glanced behind me and saw him chasing me, I grabbed the car keys out of the inside pocket of my jacket, and ran towards the car scrambling into the car. The car grunted making a squealing noise I tried again to get the car to work but it was too late. He was after me suddenly opening the door, grabbing my shoulder. It was over. I was suddenly surrounded with men in black suits all pointing guns at me there was no escape, I had to be escorted back to the enemy’s base! I was blindfolded and was being pushed around not sure where I was going. After what seemed like hours I was stopped. There was a knock on the door and I was forced in side, the door slammed behind me, I paused for a moment expecting someone to push me somewhere or at least take my blindfold off. Then there was a tap on my shoulder I jumped because I thought I was alone. Suddenly someone was ripping my blindfold off; it took me a moment for my eyes to adjust to the bright lights. There was a large man stood next to me, he was wearing a grey suit and black shoes, his desk had the name Mr.Tashe on, he stared at me eagerly, I glared at him in anger. “Agent Carys, you have done well in your mission, sadly for you we have deactivated the bomb and it is now in military bases,” explained Mr.Tashe I said nothing only giving him an annoyed look. “But fortunately we brought you hear to offer you a job.” I was confused for a second then stunned because I had been against these guy for years, “well what do you say,” Mr.Tashe sat me down at his desk and pushed forward some paper work and began explaining, “your skills at spy work are outstanding, my team of agents find it tough work against you, and I realised long ago that maybe you could teach them some tricks and join our unit,” I started reading through the paper only realising this was the better side. Mr.Tashe glared at me holding a pen towards me, I said “but I can’t just leave my unit like that they would kill me!” “Ahh now that’s why we need you,” explained Mr.Tashe “we need you to spy on your unit and find out what they’re up to and tell us what you know,” I thought for a second. They wanted me to go against my own unit to cheat and lie to them! But then again they would be accepting me into their unit, trusting me, and I would be teaching them some tricks. “I’m in,” I said to Him, I scribbled my name down onto the paper and jumped out of my seat “ but there’s one thing I want from you,”… I raced into the unit’s garage carrying some car keys, people staring at me in disbelief the keys jingled as my hand smoothed every car, I paused “ this one,” I pointed at a two seated 1970 styled car with leather seats and polished front, it looked brand new. “Perfect, it’s all yours,” I opened the car door and jumped in; I had never seen so many buttons and leavers in my #life! One button caught my eye, it was medium sized red and had the letter “J” on I reached for it smacked the button, and suddenly I was plummeting into the sky crashed through the roof and started driving, there was different controls to what I was used to it had an up and down control stick, I pushed it forward and I was driving up in a vertical line, quickly pulling the leaver towards me I started falling down wards. I suddenly got the hand of things and I was carefully landing myself back into the garage. “That J stands for jump,” said Mr.Tashe “I will get someone here to teach you all what you need to know about this car,” said Mr.Tashe I thanked him and I was moved forward onto a class room where some agents were sat, Mr.Tashe sat me down at the front of the room next to agent 14, in this class we learnt some things about the unit and base. I quickly picked up the things I was told because I had already learnt it before working for Mr.Stewart my old base manager. I also learnt that agent 14 was a know-it-all and I was already getting annoyed at him, constantly thinking he was right being a teacher’s pet. Later that day I got distracted by so much new stuff I forgot I was meant to be at a meeting with Mr.Stewart and some other agents, I ran to Mr.Tashe’s office and told him I had to go, I took my new car out but later realised I had no idea where I was going because I had been blindfolded. I started messing around with some of the buttons, but then remember there was a sat-nav and I got there just in time. Agents were getting seats in the conference room and I quickly joined in like I was here the whole time, I knew I was in trouble when I saw Mr.Stewart looking out of the window and glancing down at the car. “first of all I would like to mention the bomb that never went off,” Mr.Stewart said in an angry voice

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