Are We Together? Chapter Three Waking up the next morning was tiring but I was lucky. It was Friday, Friday is the day my classes at normally fun and enjoyable. I sat up from my bed, walked into my bathroom, stripping my clothes off, and stepping into my steaming shower. I rinsed myself then scrubbed my body until I felt it was time to get out. When I did, I was clean and fresh. Drying myself, then dressing into leggings and shirt, I looked at my clock. "6:43" I whispered, tugging on my shoes. After, I got out my brush and brushed my hair till no nots. Then, finally sprinted down stairs. I ran in, whacking my older brother on the head. "Can you give me ride, Callum?" I asked, chopping on my cereal. "Sure! Riley has party tonight, we are invited" he said, jumping from his chair and grabbing both of our bags. I just smiled. Wait party? Riley's house? Invited? I'm loving my #life right now! *** As I walked through the doors of my school, I bumped into Cat, one of my close friends. Cat and I are like class buddies. Our first class is together, second together, third together. It is like we are meant to see each other in school, in every hour, in every class. As we turned in History, we always had time to chat. "So, Amber... How was Wednesday night?" Cat asked. "Shit!" I abruptly said. "Amber, Riley has told all of his friends, his friends told Andrew, and Andrew told me!" She spat out "maybe, the whole school knows". My face went white! I AM GOING TO KILL RILEY! Good thing after lunch we have art... *** After lunch and after Cat explained that Riley told his friends made my blood boil! I thought he was nice. I thought he was romantic. I thought he was my BOYFRIEND WHO NEVER GIVES OUT SECRETS THAT AREN'T MEANT TO BE LET OUT TILL WE BOTH AGREE ON THEM!!! Thank god I have art, as my mum is the teacher! I said my goodbyes to Kath, Charl and Cat then stormed into Art. I went over to where my mum was marking the art tests. "Mum, art fight needs to be scheduled in 5 minutes!" I whispered. "Amber, it is the third last week of school, calm down!" But my mum had a gleam in eyes which meant yes. As the other kids walked in, my mum and I had the paint buckets ready and intrusions were in bold: PAINT FIGHT IN 1 MINUTE. My mum and I had hidden behind a desk, paint brushes out to get Riley. I saw Riley's face crash when he looked at me, I smirked. "Paint fight starts now!" Yelled my mum, throwing green paint at Oliver's shirt. I had buckets ready to cannonball out at Riley. I then jumped on the stool, with buckets of paint plashing everywhere. My mum and I were undefeated! *** After the art class, went out to find Jack at his table of gay friends. I tapped him on the shoulder. We then went around the corner. "Listen, I have biology after recess, and you have Riley, I need you to secretly humiliate him!" I said evilly. "How?" He asked. "Just go and do ya prank things and prepare. Then tell Mr. Folk you have to go cause you know..." I explained. "Fine, but you have to know you are like a twin sister to me!" He said, walking off. Ha! Just then, a rough hand caught me by my shoulder twirling around to face the person. "Dean!" I whispered, looking back. "Amber, come on we have been over this loads of time" he was smiling. Dean was my ex-boyfriend. He was cheating on me with Emily one of pretty dorks in my school. He said he thought Emily was me! He wants me back. "Dean, please... Leave me alone" I snapped. "Feisty! I like a girl who is feisty..." He said, his face pressing on my neck. Jeez, I forgot on how good his kisses are! Although my eyes were wide open, my mind was spinning when I had 'it' with Riley. Us like that lasted awhile, my uncle wouldn't mind if I skipped biology anyway. "Dean... Stop please" I whispered. "Amb-" he was cut off when his lips were ripped off from my shoulder. I screamed! All I saw was a mass of Dean and a blonde headed boy and dark haired boy. "Callum?! Riley?!" I screamed. I knew Dean, his #lifetime work force is UFC fighting. Blood was splashed onto floor. I was then grabbed from behind, the hand smelled of perfume. Shoot! Mrs. Kilo, principal also known as aunt Heather! (My family has the work of a LOT of educational things). "Amber, your mother is waiting!" She whispered "I believe, Dusk is being transported now. How long has it been? 4 years?". "Yes Aunt Heather! Dusk has been gone that long!" I groaned. Poor Dusky Musky! Dusk is still my star horse! I jumped in next to mum and then we drove off to Golden Hooves. *** We arrived home late, I only had some time to get ready for Riley's party. I dressed in high denim shorts and a baby blue singlet and high boots. I returned to my bathroom and blushed my cheeks a little, got my phone and placed in my pocket. I stepped down to the kitchen. My mum was wearing a short white dress and dad was wearing long pants and a buttoned up shirt. Callum... I don't know where he is. My family went outside and strapped ourselves into our car. My dad drove out onto the driveway, then road. When we drove to Riley's home, 7 cars were parked on the driveway and road. We climbed out and walked to the door. My dad knocked then Riley's mum opened the door. Thank god, that Kath, Charl and Cat at here, not so sure about Kath, after Riley's not look-a-like twin cheated on her. "Hi, Kelly!" My mum greeted walking in, followed by my dad and brother. I waited, until Cat came. "Finally you came, Cat!" I squealed. "Thank god you came, Riley has been worrying about you!" She had a gleam in her eyes!
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