My Story I am going to write an apology on here and then show it to some people who deserve one. Dear my friends, I apologize for saying sorry in this way. I wanted to give you all a reason for what's going on. I've been out of school a lot lately, as you already know. People have been saying I'm pregnant. I kept denying it, but it's true. I am nearly 16 and I am pregnant. My mother is upset but being really supportive. I am 14 weeks in and pretty sure I am going to keep my child. I was gaining weight and wondering why for a while. Then my friend told me to take a test. I did and I was positive. If it is a girl I will name her Malice and if a boy, then Dylen. If you took the time for reading this, then thank you. If you have any tips or other help please tell me! ❤Courtney
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